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Animal Rights

Please open your eyes people

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juggalette_420 On April 03, 2008

peirceton, Indiana
#31New Post! Jun 08, 2007 @ 14:55:17
it was not disturbing. its just wrong i love cats ...........those fagits...........f***in asian b****s.
<3juggalette i love heath
buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
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Viaticum, United Kingdom
#32New Post! Jun 09, 2007 @ 19:41:15
Jeremy Bentham, father of utilitarianism, once said:"the question is not, can they speak. Nor, can they reason. But, can they suffer?"

I understand that animals (aside from a few noteable exceptions such as the great apes, some cetaceans and elephants) are not self-aware or sentient. The extent of consciousness in animals reaches only as far as possibly a vivid dream in the more cerebrally developed species. The only creature on Earth that is fully sentient and self-aware is the human. If one is not aware of their own existence, how can they feel pain? Humans are aware and can feel pain. Animals are not, and don't. This may sound cruel but it is rational; most animals don't pass the basic tests for consciousness such as the mirror test. From this reasoning, I believe animals do not deserve respect in the same sense that humans do. Obviously all creatures are part of the ecosystem and deserve respect thusly, but in animal testing, agriculture and other areas where animals are physically harmed, humans take priority since humans are the ones that can truly suffer.
jeanettesianrachel On September 16, 2016

Medway, United Kingdom
#33New Post! Jun 09, 2007 @ 19:47:03
i went to look saw what it was about and that was enough for me people who do that are disgusting and need to be hung up by the balls or if women are involved there cl**
ikkintastic On June 10, 2007

Yateley, United Kingdom
#34New Post! Jun 10, 2007 @ 16:27:48
I'm am animal rights activist but i do not trust PETA. They are always exagerating things, lieing, making stuff up and using iresponsible campaigns. For example, they once compared feeding kids meat to child abuse and advised college kids to drink beer over milk!
A lot of their supporters will use violent and illegal means to get their points across, which I do not believe. PETA have done some good work but a lot of the time they just do whatever they want with no consideration about how they make people feel.
I campaign both for human and animal issues. For example, I campaign against animal testing for medical reasons not only because of animal cruelty but because I do not believe that the results can be applied to humans, which can lead to dangerous and misleading information.
I'm a really peaceful person and I'd never want to hurt a person in the process of animal justice..after all..we are animals too!
Some PETA supporters have been known to harrass people, leave dead animals outside peoples houses and damage property. I'm my view this is not an acceptable way to get your point across.
I'd be very careful about making your mind up based on information you hear from PETA. Organisations such as Uncaged, IFAW, The Dr.Hadwen Trust, VIVA! and Animal Aid can give better and more truthful information.
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