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How important is "hope" to your state of mind?

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4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#1New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:46:34
Like, if you feel there is no hope, you just don't care about anything.

But if you find a glimmer of hope -- you perk up.

How important is "hope" to a human beings state-of-mind?

And what do you think the media is doing to the state-of-mind of everyone -- by their doom and gloom forecasts?

Does the media have an influence on the overall state-of-mind of people in general?
smallBUTTerflies On January 07, 2020
Weaker than homeopat

#2New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:47:43
f*** hope...

It has deceived me too many times
backseatcynic On January 19, 2010

Henryetta, Oklahoma
#3New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:50:48
I don't think it affects an individual's state of mind, but might convince a person that the rest of the world is pessimistic. Kind of counter-productive to say the least.
zlotyz On February 24, 2009


London, Canada
#4New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:54:03
Without hope we are a ship cast adrift on stormy waters. 14 years old and no hope? Your life needs dreams and to believe in yourself. I know how hard the teenage years can be,but your life awaits you seize the day! Life goes by in a flash. Hope again and then some more! So much awaits you. Blessings.
smallBUTTerflies On January 07, 2020
Weaker than homeopat

#5New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:56:39
@zlotyz Said

Without hope we are a ship cast adrift on stormy waters. 14 years old and no hope? Your life needs dreams and to believe in yourself. I know how hard the teenage years can be,but your life awaits you seize the day! Life goes by in a flash. Hope again and then some more! So much awaits you. Blessings.

For years I have been hoping...

Hoping my selective mutism will get better
Hoping my mom will stop smoking

I hoped that one of my friends would survive that car crash... that didnt happen
I hoped that one of my best friends would win in a fight against cancer
That didn't happen
I hoped that my friend would not kill herself and she did...

You cant just hope and feel hope

You need to take action.
smallBUTTerflies On January 07, 2020
Weaker than homeopat

#6New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 04:59:33
I just can't hope anymore... that might change... but for now, it is not the time for hope
lilbear On January 18, 2010
Aequitas / Veritas!


, Canada
#7New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 05:01:43
Without hope there is no tomorrow. When it's dark it's very hard to find that first Star in the sky, but when you do find it you'll see many others appear.

That's what hope is, looking for that one star and once you've found it, many will follow. Just keep looking and never quit..
Sonnet On May 13, 2009


#8New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 05:09:09
Sometimes hope seems lost, but it's so nice when it's found again.
kentoo On October 26, 2010

Salmon Arm, Canada
#9New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 05:25:43
For myself hope is a last resort wishing seems a little more positive.
kulomasciovia On February 19, 2009

U.S. city,
#10New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 05:41:39
@4000Earthquakes Said

Like, if you feel there is no hope, you just don't care about anything.

But if you find a glimmer of hope -- you perk up.

How important is "hope" to a human beings state-of-mind?

And what do you think the media is doing to the state-of-mind of everyone -- by their doom and gloom forecasts?

Does the media have an influence on the overall state-of-mind of people in general?

Overall, I do not think hope should determine a person's state of mind. Hope is left to chance. As smallbutterflies said, hope can decieve you so many times that you cannot rely upon it. You need to rely upon yourself to accomplish what you want, not hope. If I want to ask someone out, I am not going to sit around hoping that person will notice me. I will take active steps to ensure I get what I want. Also, as the guy above me said, hope is usually a last resort, when all else fails.

I cannot really answer the media question. Sorry.
rider On September 28, 2009


The first one, Australia
#11New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 06:24:23
Hope to me goes hand in hand with having Dreams of what you want for yourself in latter years.

We can Hope to be successful in our lives,to have a Nice Home to bring up our children in,and have all the trimmings that go with it ,or we can get of our Bums and make it happen.I said to my 3 kids when they left school and started in the work force,the World is your Oyster and nobody will give you what you want,you have to Work Hard and earn it and I'm pleased to say all three of them have made me a very proud Father.

Life does and will throw opportunities up for us to grab,but if WE don't recognize them when their,there we lose ,but if you do see them,Grab a hold with both hands,hang on tight and go for the ride with it,it's the moment when we change everything.

Hope and Dreams are a huge part of Human nature and our State of Mind,it's both of them combined that make us WHAT and WHO we are.

The Media DO have to big an influence on what we the people of the world see thing's and react to them,sometimes I feel there should be some censorship on the Media,for far to long they've just reported what they feel we should know,instead of telling it how it is???.
How many People in the World today Trully believe the world will be hit and destroyed by some meteorite or Asteroid in 2012,I'll bet anything their out all running around like a Chook with it's head cut off and frightened s***less and all because the "MEDIA" told them it's going to happen.
moodstabilizer On April 22, 2009

Somewhere casual,
#12New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 09:59:17
Expect the worst and hope for the best.
sunandsurf13 On June 29, 2009


Sydney, Australia
#13New Post! Feb 19, 2009 @ 10:01:41
@4000Earthquakes Said

Like, if you feel there is no hope, you just don't care about anything.

But if you find a glimmer of hope -- you perk up.

How important is "hope" to a human beings state-of-mind?

And what do you think the media is doing to the state-of-mind of everyone -- by their doom and gloom forecasts?

Does the media have an influence on the overall state-of-mind of people in general?

Bad news sells that's for sure. Anyone who watches the news and reads newspapers religiously walks away with some negativity. It's inevitable if it's all you think about, and it is your only imput from the world around you.
Hope is paramount. Without hope we die. Literally. I truly believe that. Hope is in my opinion, tied up very strongly with faith. If you hope that something good will happen, you are allowing, even in your own mind for just a second, that it might. Without either of these things, life is very dark indeed.
Just my 10 cents worth
MANDRAGORA On July 28, 2009

London, United Kingdom
#14New Post! Mar 04, 2009 @ 14:02:47
@4000Earthquakes Said

Like, if you feel there is no hope, you just don't care about anything.

But if you find a glimmer of hope -- you perk up.

How important is "hope" to a human beings state-of-mind?

And what do you think the media is doing to the state-of-mind of everyone -- by their doom and gloom forecasts?

Does the media have an influence on the overall state-of-mind of people in general?

If we will just hope for something without doing anything for it, it will be disaster!Hope is only the stimulation to keep you going. Without the action there is no hope, because it will newer happen!!
WordSlinger On March 08, 2009

#15New Post! Mar 04, 2009 @ 14:47:49
The fact is, alot of people commit suicide because they lost all hope in their lives. So that in itself tells me hope is important to those people, or else they wouldn't have commited such a tragedy.
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