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Child beating dad

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Bloomsy On November 11, 2012

Nowhere, United Kingdom
#1New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 13:57:29
My dad twice gave me and my brother serious beatings when we were about 10/11 yrs. old in 198/1. It's dawning on me what a serious crime this was and I'm thinking of doing one or both of the following. Going to the police and pressing charges or going to a solicitors to pursue compensation. Does anyone know if either of these things are possible. Thanks.
Eaglebauer On July 23, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#2New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:15:45
@Bloomsy Said

My dad twice gave me and my brother serious beatings when we were about 10/11 yrs. old in 198/1. It's dawning on me what a serious crime this was and I'm thinking of doing one or both of the following. Going to the police and pressing charges or going to a solicitors to pursue compensation. Does anyone know if either of these things are possible. Thanks.

I don't know what the laws are where you live, but here in the U.S. the statute of limitations on child abuse (I'm pretty sure) varies state to state. Like in one state it might be the victim's 50th birthday, another state may say it's the natural life of the victim, etc.

I'd research the laws of your area and go from there. This might be of some use to you.

I will say that a criminal pursuit in this would probably be a lot more difficult than a civil pursuit with a solicitor for some form of compensation simply because of the time that has elapsed and the lack of evidence you will likely have to prove that any of it happened. PLEASE take note that I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just that in a criminal trial the burden of proof will rest with you and as it will basically come down to you and your brother's word against your father's, you don't stand much chance of winning.


A civil trial would also require you to produce evidence and prove your case, but it would be less stringent I think than in a criminal one. That is, of course, based solely on what I know of American law, and again it may be very different in your country. It can't hurt for you to at least go talk to a solicitor though and get a qualified, professional opinion.

Good luck to you.
Oisin On January 27, 2012

Glasgow, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:25:43
@Bloomsy Said

My dad twice gave me and my brother serious beatings when we were about 10/11 yrs. old in 198/1. It's dawning on me what a serious crime this was and I'm thinking of doing one or both of the following. Going to the police and pressing charges or going to a solicitors to pursue compensation. Does anyone know if either of these things are possible. Thanks.

since 'nowhere' is not a place in the UK, it depends on which country you live in and how old you are.
Bloomsy On November 11, 2012

Nowhere, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:26:06
My mum witnessed the 2nd time it happened but even at that I'm not sure my dad would actually deny it. He might do but I think the fact I've actually gone and done this might prick his guilty conscience or the fact my mum and brother could be put under oath and admit it happend because altheough they'll be angry that I'd gone ahead with taking this action they'd not risk commiting perjury and tell the truth despite not wanting to and the fact that they'd have proably disowned me for doing it would prove they were telling the truth because they wouldn't side with me unless they had to as a consequence of not wanting to perjure themselves.
Bloomsy On November 11, 2012

Nowhere, United Kingdom
#5New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:26:48
@Oisin Said

since 'nowhere' is not a place in the UK, it depends on which country you live in and how old you are.

I'm in the U.K. England.
Oisin On January 27, 2012

Glasgow, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:30:45
@Bloomsy Said

I'm in the U.K. England.

i wouldn't underestimate the likelihood of someone committing perjury.

i know very little of english law. if you want to press charges, and i'm not saying you don't have a legitimate case, i would guess you are up s*** creek.

how long ago were these beatings ?

also, how old are you ?
Bloomsy On November 11, 2012

Nowhere, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:45:29
@Oisin Said

i wouldn't underestimate the likelihood of someone committing perjury.

i know very little of english law. if you want to press charges, and i'm not saying you don't have a legitimate case, i would guess you are up s*** creek.

how long ago were these beatings ?

also, how old are you ?

I'm 42 and they happened in 198/1.
Oisin On January 27, 2012

Glasgow, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:51:23
@Bloomsy Said

I'm 42 and they happened in 198/1.

198/1 is not a date.
Eaglebauer On July 23, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#9New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:52:27
@Oisin Said

198/1 is not a date.

I'm pretty sure he or she means 1980-1981
Dark_Tink On December 30, 2018
<3 Boobie <3

, Canada
#10New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:53:12
Contact the NSPCC online or phone and find out if anything can be done. No point to see a solicitor if noting can be done from that far back.

NAPAC could also offer advice to you as well.
Oisin On January 27, 2012

Glasgow, United Kingdom
#11New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:56:51
@Eaglebauer Said

I'm pretty sure he or she means 1980-1981

this is like pulling f***ing teeth though. i would like to help someone in distress. i would also like to know a few details before i get involved.
howmuchisthatdoggie On January 09, 2013

, United Kingdom
#12New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:59:24
Well at least you concede that he might possibly have a "guilty conscience" to prick sort of thing, but after this passage of time I would think that a good talking to would be more appropriate than trying to capitolise on an old mans guilt trip about corporal punishment at a time when it was the social norm.

My dad beat the crap out of me for just about anything during the late 70s and early 80s. One day I just walloped him back. Wouldn't dream of sticking him in the s*** with the Judiciary today because of then.

Sit down and talk to the old boy and see how he feels about it today.
Dark_Tink On December 30, 2018
<3 Boobie <3

, Canada
#13New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 14:59:30
@Oisin Said

this is like pulling f***ing teeth though. i would like to help someone in distress. i would also like to know a few details before i get involved.

Same here. Don't know if it just happened twice or was a continuous thing but doesn't want to say.

I just gave links to sites that I hope can help.
Oisin On January 27, 2012

Glasgow, United Kingdom
#14New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 15:08:37
@Dark_Tink Said

Same here. Don't know if it just happened twice or was a continuous thing but doesn't want to say.

I just gave links to sites that I hope can help.

i have loads of scottish solicitors who owe me favours, maybe 2 and at a push 3 english. i would genuinely be happy to call them in if i thought this wasn't just a cry for help that the legal system can not offer.

my dad punched me in the face when i was 12, he had a high stressed job.

when i was 21, and he was retired at 55, i punched him in the face because he was being a cock.

it's all relative.

we were great mates for a long time.
Eaglebauer On July 23, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#15New Post! Jan 10, 2012 @ 15:18:45
@Oisin Said

this is like pulling f***ing teeth though. i would like to help someone in distress. i would also like to know a few details before i get involved.

Yeah, I basically just gave the link to that book that probably has good info and said it might be worth at least talking to a solicitor to see if it's something that can be pursued.

Perhaps the OP doesn't want to get into too much detail because of the sensitivity surrounding the issue with him/her. That's understandable, but then that begs the question of why ask about it on a public forum in the first place?
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