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Is the Death Penalty in America based on 'an eye for an eye , a tooth for a too

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jmo On April 29, 2021
Beruset af Julebryg

Yorkshire, United Kingdom
#16New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 19:29:45
@noxus Said
The death of a fetus in hardly the same as the death of say some axe murrderer who kills 30 kids.

wilf1408 On September 01, 2009

, United Kingdom
#17New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 19:32:20
@vballer11 Said
Is it any more funny than the anti death penalty people being for the killing of an innocent unborn child?

The death penalty should be used a lot more often than it is now and when the killer is 100% guilty, like when they catch him right after firing the gun or stabbing someone, or they have it on video tape or theyre 100% sure with the DNA, he should be killed immediately after sentencing, not 30 years later after a dozen appeals.

So that that would suggest that some of these convictions aren't 100% certain. In which cases those people shouldn't even be in prison never mind subejct to the death penalty. Surely under a justice system all those convicted are presumed to be equally guilty - i.e. they actually did it. If you don't trust the system enough to find everyone equally guilty how can you trust them to take someone's life on your behalf?
dlsharp On November 30, 2015

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
#18New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 19:43:06
I understand the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth premise is a jewish tenet that was set in the early history of the jews. That principle was originaly espoused by our founding fathers. However, as it often is in this world, it has been subverted into a political mess. Justice in this country is culturally, racially and economically biased. So many times has a man of color been lynched for "raping" their white wives or girlfriends. That's not an eye for and eye, nor was any jury present. And even when there was the jury was biased also. You have only to look at a jury to see that it was not 12 men and women that were the peers of the accused. The fact that many an accused prisoner cannot afford an attorney to represent them against an able and accomplished prosecutor shows the unfairness of the system.
iwannano On May 19, 2010
Mountain William


#19New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 21:39:15
What made me wonder about if separation of church and state or in other words ?separation of organized religion and civil authority,? should apply to the 'Death Penalty in America' is our American government has done away with anything that pertains to religion of any kind in all government funded schools , properties or any place 'owned' by government.

And if the Death Penalty was based or justified from a religious standing , from the bible, hence 'an eye for an eye etc...' shouldn't the government change their stance on it some way or other ?

The links from google show that the Death Penalty started a long time ago in other parts of the world long before modern America was 'discovered'.
Boppin_Guy On July 06, 2024

No Place,
#20New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 21:45:32
@hallucinogenic_lipstick Said
Im on the fence with the death penalty too many innocent people die as the 'justice' system isn't that honest.

Funny how some pro-lifers are for the death penalty though?!

And funny how some pro-choice people are against war because they don't want innocent people to be killed but want to give someone the right to kill their baby!
honorbound On June 18, 2009

McDonough, Georgia
#21New Post! Aug 25, 2008 @ 22:54:41
if you purposely take the life of another your life is forfeit
that is just
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#22New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 10:40:59
@iwannano Said
I have a couple of questions .

The death penalty as we know it today in America . Is it based on 'An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth' from the bible and if that is the original justification for what we know as the legal ,time honored Death Penalty of today ?
Does the 'separation of church and state' apply here ?

This link tells the history of the Death Penalty starting in the 1600's more than one hundred years before we became the country known as the USA of today up to to 2004
URL text

History of the Death Penalty -- The Ancient Laws of China established the death penalty. In the 18th Century BC, the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon ,,,

URL text

Maybe this isn't a good answer to your questions...but I just wanted to throw in my 2cents.....i'am a Christian....and still don't know everything that's written in the Bible....I try my best to understand the teachings of God's word....and my undying faith is Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior....the only Son of God...i'am unclear as to what the Bible says about the death penalty....however, i'am 100% against it....I don't believe we have any right whatsoever to take another human life...FOR ANY REASON!!! Now, and I know this is a contridiction....but if I were in a postion where someone was trying to take my life or in self defence..or I came across someone attempting to kill another person...then I most likely would do what ever it took to stop it...even if it meant killing them....that is the ONLY way I believe in taking a life!!!
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#23New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 10:53:17
wait so the death penalty is justified in the USA because it appears in the bible to say "an eye for an eye"? is this so?
bigbob On April 24, 2009

Bath, United Kingdom
#24New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 11:39:45
@treebee Said
wait so the death penalty is justified in the USA because it appears in the bible to say "an eye for an eye"? is this so?

If so feel free to insert comment about Americans attention span as they never reached Jesus' opinion of an eye for an eye. Which is kind of important from a Christian perspective.

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:38?39)
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#25New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 11:46:29
Im not really understanding what this thread is about
sAeGeSpAeNe On October 05, 2021
Part-time Nidologist

The other Bristol..., Connecti
#26New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 11:48:59
@treebee Said
Im not really understanding what this thread is about

That's because your head is still in the bucket! Change your avvy, and let a little light in.....
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#27New Post! Aug 26, 2008 @ 11:53:08
@saegespaene Said
That's because your head is still in the bucket! Change your avvy, and let a little light in.....

she is asking if the death penalty in the USA is based on "an eye for an eye" but the death penalty has been around longer than christianty so i guess the answer is no, but seeing as the USA is relatively new apart from the native americans whom i dont think had a death penalty perhaps it could be????

I am really having a no brainer or something.
Komentenmelodie On May 25, 2018

#28New Post! Feb 17, 2018 @ 02:54:46
The state has no business meddling in the affairs of the church. Since the state is generally as corrupt & bent as hairpins why should they be allowed to corrupt religion? Its hard enough to keep morals & ethics as it is!!!
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