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the number of people who believe in tha paranormal

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hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#46New Post! Jan 16, 2009 @ 21:43:29
I'm a spiritual person, so I guess I do believe in this stuff cuz I get a little paranoid when I go to the bathroom at night
spadge On February 18, 2010
Aging Disgracefully


Santa Land, United Kingdom
#47New Post! Jan 16, 2009 @ 22:17:28
@alexkidd Said

oh come on, really,
it could of been a lot of things, surely you admit that?

on a list of probable causes ghost is pretty far down.

What I mean is, where does it say that it IS a ghost? On the title of the footage there is a Question mark. Or didnt you see that?
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#48New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 04:31:55
The problem with "belief" in the paranormal is that it defies logic and reason.

To "believe" in the paranormal, one must absolutely and totally reject rationality.
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#49New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 04:34:06
@spadge Said


See, this is exactly the problem.

Instead of considering the more reasonable, rational explanations of an insect, a bird, an odd light reflection, or whatever, you go pretty much straight to paranormal.

There are no videos proving paranormal activity. There are no pictures proving paranormal activity. The whole thing is a hoax and/or a delusion. It's, frankly, idiocy on a massive scale.

No, I don't say something is stupid just because I don't believe in it. The accusation is preposterous, and I reject the implication. I say it's stupid becaise it is. "Belief" in the paranormal is the rejection or ignorance of the principles of thought in general. And this exact failure to use brains is the reason I can't stand chatting with most people in real life for more than 2 minutes.
young_nick On December 11, 2010
The Dude

Auckland, New Zealand
#50New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 04:41:16
@jonnythan Said

This is a pretty accurate measurement of the number of the abjectly stupid people in the world.

spadge On February 18, 2010
Aging Disgracefully


Santa Land, United Kingdom
#51New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:34:42
@jonnythan Said

See, this is exactly the problem.

Instead of considering the more reasonable, rational explanations of an insect, a bird, an odd light reflection, or whatever, you go pretty much straight to paranormal.

There are no videos proving paranormal activity. There are no pictures proving paranormal activity. The whole thing is a hoax and/or a delusion. It's, frankly, idiocy on a massive scale.

No, I don't say something is stupid just because I don't believe in it. The accusation is preposterous, and I reject the implication. I say it's stupid becaise it is. "Belief" in the paranormal is the rejection or ignorance of the principles of thought in general. And this exact failure to use brains is the reason I can't stand chatting with most people in real life for more than 2 minutes.

I said whatever, because my youtube entry was'nt read properly.
I'm not going out of my way to try to change your mind about anything. You made it quite clear this will not happen. Fair play.
You believe what you want, and so will I.

spadge On February 18, 2010
Aging Disgracefully


Santa Land, United Kingdom
#52New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:36:43
@jonnythan Said

This is a pretty accurate measurement of the number of the abjectly stupid people in the world.

This is just an (unwarranted) attack on those that believe.
sunandsurf13 On June 29, 2009


Sydney, Australia
#53New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:46:22
@spadge Said

And anybody agreeing with this statement IS an idiot.

This is just an (unwarranted) attack on those that believe.

I don't think there's anything wrong with disputing the paranormal, or even saying outright that you don't believe in it at all.
When people suggest that anyone who believes in the paranormal is stupid, it just seems unnecessarily hostile to me.
If someone wants to sit up all night waiting for a ghost to whoosh past, or even mentions they think they have seen one, where is the harm done?
It seems to me that many skeptics place a lot of importance on fact and reasoning, but not necessarily on good manners. I don't think there are any idiots on this forum, or stupid people - just people who feel passionately about their view.
eagleflys On March 16, 2009

San Simon, Arizona
#54New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:46:56
I have found that those who attack never had a experience and if the did they scoffe at it there minds do not want to comprehend that that there might be more to this then they want to admitt therefore the attack what they do not know
spadge On February 18, 2010
Aging Disgracefully


Santa Land, United Kingdom
#55New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:49:27
@jonnythan Said

The problem with "belief" in the paranormal is that it defies logic and reason.

To "believe" in the paranormal, one must absolutely and totally reject rationality.

That's rubbish! That is just your opinion. Why believing in the paranormal makes people reject rationality? I'm rational.
Because I think there is more to life and the afterlife does not make me irrational.
Your very statement has an irrational air to it. Making blatant statements without knowing all the facts.
Granted, I don't know all the facts, but thats why I want to find out. Thats why I go ghosthunting.
To find out for myself.
Based on what I have already experienced, has lead me to the belief that there is more than meets the eye.
spadge On February 18, 2010
Aging Disgracefully


Santa Land, United Kingdom
#56New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:50:28
@sunandsurf13 Said

I don't think there's anything wrong with disputing the paranormal, or even saying outright that you don't believe in it at all.
When people suggest that anyone who believes in the paranormal is stupid, it just seems unnecessarily hostile to me.
If someone wants to sit up all night waiting for a ghost to whoosh past, or even mentions they think they have seen one, where is the harm done?
It seems to me that many skeptics place a lot of importance on fact and reasoning, but not necessarily on good manners. I don't think there are any idiots on this forum, or stupid people - just people who feel passionately about their view.

What I said was too harsh and unfair. That's why I removed that statement.

I'm afraid its a case of reading one thing and not another.
For that I'm sorry.
sassi On February 20, 2009


Coolangatta, Australia
#57New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 13:52:22
Only the believers know it real and the disbelivers know it's not.
sunandsurf13 On June 29, 2009


Sydney, Australia
#58New Post! Jan 17, 2009 @ 14:13:16
@jonnythan Said

The problem with "belief" in the paranormal is that it defies logic and reason.

To "believe" in the paranormal, one must absolutely and totally reject rationality.

Most people agree that everything on earth is just 'matter' than changes form over time- even a human being that dies, eventually decays, becomes part of the earth where they were buried, or their ashes become part of where their ashes are tossed.
What we know less about is where the energy or 'life-force' a living person has, goes when they die - or even what it was when they were alive.
Most skeptics would say it is extinguished at the same time their life is. It's the easiest answer, but when you think about the life-force one person has - every thought they've ever had, every emotion they have ever felt - it's fair to question whether that energy could be so easily turned off like a water tap, just because a person has died.
My ten cents worth anyway.
DevelopMenTalist On January 19, 2009

Tempe, Arizona
#59New Post! Jan 18, 2009 @ 18:38:35
I think a lot of people believe in the paranormal not only based off unusual experiences, but because of the fact that they want to believe it. People want to believe that there is more to our world and our existence, even though some of those things cannot be explained scientifically. A lot of people who are predominantly left-brained functioning humans, much like you alexkidd, who see through the world through a perspective of logic, reason and rationale. Its the way that makes most sense to you and that is fine. However not everybodys brain functions in the same way and there are those who are more right brained who see the scope of the world based more off their emotions and feelings rather than formulas and linear sequentials. These are the people who are dreamers and innovators who bring fantasy and creativity in a world of law and order.

Some of you are ridiculing others for their beliefs without question or hard evidence, but those people are just living their lives that makes the most sense for them. You don't have to agree, just take it for what it is. It allows people to live more freely and helps fuel their imagination to believe that anything in this world is possible, which is true. We are only at the tip of the iceberg in terms of discovering ourselves as humans and the world we live in, who is to say that these paranormal experiences arent real, if people experience them and believe, then they are real, maybe not to you but in the realm of that individual.

The mystery of life and our universe is a large part that makes us human and helps to shape the world we live in. Just because it has yet to be documented or seen does not mean it isnt in the realm of possibility for our world, it is just something that has yet to be discovered, and these discoveries, influences and experiences are what makes life interesting, fun and really makes us feel alive.
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