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Why the titles?

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Nyre On August 28, 2009

Regina, Canada
#1New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 04:32:39
I come from a "racist" family. Mostly. I am not. And ALL of this racism is directed towards Native Americans. But I am starting to see that it is everywhere. These titles? Do they not make us all racist or judgmental (so not the right word, but I can't think of it)

For example:

"The indian man on the corner"
"My black student..."
"My friend in a wheelchair..."

Why do we find it necessary to preface the man/student/and friend with these titles? why can't they just be left at that?

"the man on the corner..."
"my student.."
"my friend..."

I hear these daily and just wonder if anyone else finds offense to these or can comment on why we as a society feel the need to place these titles while trying to fight racism?
RrrendezVoodoo On April 23, 2009


, New York
#2New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 04:36:53
I think we do it without thinking
Aniive On September 30, 2009

#3New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 04:38:03
It's just the way our society is today. As you probably know, it was worse way back in 1800's.
However, I believe that our society is slowly getting rid of these titles. How? Well, your mere topic about the situation proves it all.

I do find it offensive when people point at me and whisper,
"O my gah! She's Spanish! She can't speak english and probably strips at the nearest gentlemens' club!"
I tend to ignore them, though.
Nyre On August 28, 2009

Regina, Canada
#4New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 04:40:53
I know. But is this not sort of setting a double-standard? Let's fight racism, it's stupid, but let's still point out each other by our differences?

I always correct my family with the racial comments, but even with my friend, I feel the need to say "in a wheelchair". I can feel it in my throat and I can't not say it. And it really pisses me off.
loveis On January 15, 2010


In the mirror,
#5New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 04:41:22
Good point, and shouldn't make a difference; unless giving a police report or something, where you need to specify.
roxygemini On April 16, 2009


, Canada
#6New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 05:03:59
People are taught to be descriptive from a very young age.
The big red dog...ect.
The only difference is as children we don't have the negativity that through our lives and into our adulthood are implimented and end up segregating us through these words that are used to describe.
The words that are given to describe a race, or ethnicity, are now a labels seperating one anothers differences, in a world where different is at both end of the spectrum. Something to be proud of, and something that will also always keep us as a species, seperate from each other. We live in a society that wants us to embrace what differentiates us from each other, yet creates conflict within that at the same time.
It is impossible to have equality, when descriptions birth judgement, and inturn creates racism and negativity.
For the most part we should embrace our differences and our likes as a people, but the judgement comes naturally with our sight as we have been taught, in description.
Nyre On August 28, 2009

Regina, Canada
#7New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 05:08:49
Well said....roxygemini...well said

..It still sucks though..
buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
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Viaticum, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Mar 11, 2009 @ 11:59:30
@Nyre Said

I come from a "racist" family. Mostly. I am not. And ALL of this racism is directed towards Native Americans. But I am starting to see that it is everywhere. These titles? Do they not make us all racist or judgmental (so not the right word, but I can't think of it)

For example:

"The indian man on the corner"
"My black student..."
"My friend in a wheelchair..."

Why do we find it necessary to preface the man/student/and friend with these titles? why can't they just be left at that?

"the man on the corner..."
"my student.."
"my friend..."

I hear these daily and just wonder if anyone else finds offense to these or can comment on why we as a society feel the need to place these titles while trying to fight racism?

I agree. It's a subtle and insidious prejudice; the worst form is that which no one notices they're expressing.
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