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the number of people who believe in tha paranormal

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alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#1New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 19:37:02 frankly staggering.

thats a much cited gallop from 2005 compared with other studies done by universities.

similar studies have repeatedly shown similar results with belief in different things shifting up and down depending on different influences, such as film and tv.
like after the xfiles hit belief in aliens soared.
or after the exorcist belief in demon possession hit a high etc.

whats pretty consistent is that about 70% of people will report believing in at least one of the phenomenon above.
any opinions on that?
angelcake On January 18, 2016
Say whaaa

Eastleigh, United Kingdom
#2New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 19:38:29
I believe in a sorta soul type thing. i think there is something much more powerful about the human mind than people think.
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#3New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 19:38:30
This is a pretty accurate measurement of the number of the abjectly stupid people in the world.
newmexicodan On May 18, 2024

#4New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 19:48:44
Frankly,I thought the numbers would run higher.Then again,I run into a number of people who don't believe in any of those things at all. I think people do want to believe in something and lots of times science and/or religion don't have all the answers. Ideally,everyone should search out and find the answers to their life questions for themselves.
cGobla On March 15, 2018

Polcenigo, Italy
#5New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 19:53:17
a quarter of people believe in telepathy? really? They prob got confused and didn't know what it was.
jeanettesianrachel On September 16, 2016

Medway, United Kingdom
#6New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 20:17:02
well i believe in it but to be honest i didnt expect that many people to have owned up to it.
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 20:17:26
I'm not sure what it shows...other than people WANT to believe in something...anything!!
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 20:21:15
I'm sorry, but someone has got to post it, it might as well be me.

All those who believe in psycokenisis, raise my right hand.

alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#9New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 21:21:52
i suppose as much as anything it shows how people can form strong opinions on issues when they don't really have alot of information.
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#10New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 21:30:00
@alexkidd Said

i suppose as much as anything it shows how people can form strong opinions on issues when they don't really have alot of information.

Well take telepathy for instance. We know (fact) that thoughts are electochemichal, so for someone to "read" someone elses thoughts, there would have to be a transferance of energy from one brain to another. This would be detectable with modern equipment. Regardless of how low the signal was, the scientist would detect it.

There is no telepathy...yet.

Come back next year (maybe) when we start putting micro chips and circuits under the skin, and I might have a different answer.
alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#11New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 21:50:34
@Wheezy_Knight Said

Well take telepathy for instance. We know (fact) that thoughts are electochemichal, so for someone to "read" someone elses thoughts, there would have to be a transferance of energy from one brain to another. This would be detectable with modern equipment. Regardless of how low the signal was, the scientist would detect it.

There is no telepathy...yet.

Come back next year (maybe) when we start putting micro chips and circuits under the skin, and I might have a different answer.

i wouldn't hold my breath for a mind reading machine
and if one were possible and made it would do nothing to back-up claims that someone can do it with their mind.

most likely it'd make the premise more ridiculous.
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#12New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 21:52:52
@alexkidd Said

i wouldn't hold my breath for a mind reading machine
and if one were possible and made it would do nothing to back-up claims that someone can do it with their mind.

most likely it'd make the premise more ridiculous.

Not mind reading as such...more a sort of in-built phone.

(forget mind reading, nobody focuses their thoughts long enough to be read.)
sunandsurf13 On June 29, 2009


Sydney, Australia
#14New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 22:34:58
I believe in some of these things, others I'm not so sure. Psychic ability - the ability to see or hear ghosts, is something that I believe some of my friends and family can do. I believe the people on the tv less, but I did hear one day on tv thesay that more and more people are developing an ability to be open to - I don't know what you'd call it - other types of energy I guess. She said more and more people are discovering a psychic ability of some kind - mainly to be able to sense the presence of loved ones who have passed away.

I don't have any of these abilities and I can't help suspecting my life is happier and less complicated for it. As several other posters here have mentioned, real life is wonderful & complicated enough.

I do believe in good and bad energy though, and that some things like trying to communicate with whatever 'spirit' happens to be floating around at that moment, can be bad energy. There are a lot of good people who have died, but some evil people too.

For psychics who try to get in touch with 'the other side' I believe it can bring bad energy into their lives. I know a few people with some psychic ability who intentionally ignore what they see and hear around them, and truly wish they were without this ability - they have seen and heard plenty of bad as well as good.
alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#15New Post! Nov 21, 2008 @ 22:37:14
@thevictim1 Said

why do you need to communicate with another by telepathy? i see it as wrong, because communication is living and living is the whole reality communications you can join, not a mind and never even yours
thoughts is the inner life being, this should be seen personnal enough as invisible for anyother but the person itself alone out of being alive, so the person thinking is never a person until it acts in life among all what is living, then those telepathy are surely of evil soul taking advantage of nonexisting gestations to built from the wrong sense of living without life and kill life in those persons at the same time to use them as tools for same expressions of a dead one faking existing because many witness thoughts


sorry, i don't know what that means
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