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On December 16, 2009 queenofhearts

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, United Kingdom
Joined: Mar 2007

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Age: 50
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West Midlands
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Bom Chika wah wah ..

New Post! Big week!
March 04, 2015 @ 12:35:25 am
Got to see the Foo Fighters play on Thursday night, and on Monday night I got to see the Eagles play. Best week of my life!

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Bom Chika wah wah ..

New Post! Well it is all happening here.
February 08, 2015 @ 12:03:25 pm
Firstly. I am ridiculously sunburnt and a complete fool. Lol

This year I am going back to uni. I will be studying sociology and law. Interesting mix I suppose. I need a change.

My other half leaves in a few weeks. He is heading off to Cambodia for 3 weeks for work. It's going to kill me. 3 weeks with the house to myself.... scary haHa
After that we are off to Numea on a cruise

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Bom Chika wah wah ..

New Post! interesting how the mind works.
November 25, 2014 @ 02:06:11 pm
Life is plain and simple. I am living a dream life. And then bam! From no where.... comes this dream about the past.
So odd and confusing. Did I miss something?

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