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"come to the dark side"
On July 15, 2009 666satan666

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, Djibouti
Joined: Apr 2007

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Age: 122
Gender: M

Posts: 575
PLS: ? 37.75
Joined:: Apr 30, 2007
Reputation: 17


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About Me
Not really 107 !!!!!!
I'm 42.
And i'm not in Djibouti (wherever that is,google it)
I'm in UK

Who I Want To Meet
Van Halen--Running with the devil
<<.. width="425" height="350">

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On November 26, 2017 SpoOny

On July 11, 2009 treacle

On August 22, 2010 sazzie

On July 06, 2023 lucifer

On April 21, 2018 squirt_aka_casey

On September 08, 2016 dragonpoet

On November 12, 2015 steve2112

On February 04, 2015 foxytrot

On November 22, 2014 the_lone_wolf

On December 12, 2013 hannibal

On December 24, 2012 prince_of_darkness

On October 15, 2011 vicki_t

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