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On January 03, 2012 DestenyGrace

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Pendleton, Oregon
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The Collar
March 03, 2009 @ 11:03:44 pm
I bought Goliath a prong collar today.

A few people seem to think they are "mean" and "unnecessary", but you try being 5'1", 110# and walking a 110# one year old dog that doesn't want to heel!
Only one place in the town I live in sells prong collars, and he needed the largest size, which was $35.
I had bought a harness that's supposed to keep dogs from pulling, and it helps. It works a lot better than just a regular collar, but he is still more dog than I can control.
My parents have a 40 pound spaniel that they trained to heel with a prong collar and she walks perfectly now. They, too, had tried the harness before buying a prong collar, and the straps would leave her chest sore and red after a walk.
I have yet to test out Goliath's new collar. I bought it on my lunch break and will see if it's worth the investment after work.

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New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:07:07 pm
Those things work WONDERS on large breads. I used to work with a woman who bread giant schnauzers and in addition to being large, they are strong and do NOT like to follow directions. You have to stay on them and be VERY firm. If it were not for pinch collars I dont think I would have got some of them under control!


Teddy Hugs

New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:10:10 pm
I am one that thinks that collar looks cruel


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:10:15 pm
Thank you for the reply!
I have heard great things about these collars from people who have used them. My veterinarian recommended it as well.
Others think I'm crazy for wanting to make my dog wear it while on walks.
I was told that it looks like a torture device by a friend.
I would rather use one of these than a choke collar, though.
Statistics show these are much safer.


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:12:26 pm
I agree it looks cruel, but he will feel fine and comfortable unless he tries to drag me down the street like he always does. He already knows what heel means, he chooses to listen for about 15 seconds and then take off and drag me again.


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:13:31 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

Thank you for the reply!
I have heard great things about these collars from people who have used them. My veterinarian recommended it as well.
Others think I'm crazy for wanting to make my dog wear it while on walks.
I was told that it looks like a torture device by a friend.
I would rather use one of these than a choke collar, though.
Statistics show these are much safer.

Yeah no doubt. And despite their torture device looks they are really not that bad. I have REALLY "corrected" dogs wearing these before. They dont even NOTICE when you are playing tug-a-war with their neck so it cant be THAT bad!


zombie vomit

New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:15:53 pm
@xteddyx Said

I am one that thinks that collar looks cruel

It does look cruel, and I have seen dogs hurt themselves with them.

It works for some people and doesn't for others.

My ex's mother had one for her dog, it never trained him to walk normal on a plain leash, it just scared him into walking normal with a painful one.


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:18:34 pm
@Stigma Said

It does look cruel, and I have seen dogs hurt themselves with them.

It works for some people and doesn't for others.

My ex's mother had one for her dog, it never trained him to walk normal on a plain leash, it just scared him into walking normal with a painful one.

You are very correct that the handler has to know what they are doing in order for them to work effectively. One of the most important things with these and choke chains is PLACEMENT!! I'd say 85% of the people I see using them do not have them on the right place on the dog. It does not stay where it is supposed to be so you have to constantly reposition it.


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:20:26 pm
From what I have read (and I have been doing my research for a while now) the average person does not use it right. Most people think it needs to be loose fitting, put over the head and sit at the bottom of the neck.
This is not the way the collar is designed to be worn. It need to be tight, sitting just behind the ears. You take the collar apart to put it on the dog and not over the head.
When worn the proper way, the correction is received properly by the dog. If not worn correctly it can injure the animal.


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:21:57 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

From what I have read (and I have been doing my research for a while now) the average person does not use it right. Most people think it needs to be loose fitting, put over the head and sit at the bottom of the neck.
This is not the way the collar is designed to be worn. It need to be tight, sitting just behind the ears. You take the collar apart to put it on the dog and not over the head.
When worn the proper way, the correction is received properly by the dog. If not worn correctly it can injure the animal.

OMG you just made my day!!!!!! I have said that in a FEW posts on here and I always get the feeling people thought I was crazy! RESEARCH FTW!!!


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:27:27 pm
No problem, Robby! I always research new products, especially when it comes to my dog. I didn't decide on a dog food until I had read consumer reports, statistics, and the ingredients label of who knows how many brands before finally deciding on which one I wanted to use!


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:30:05 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

No problem, Robby! I always research new products, especially when it comes to my dog. I didn't decide on a dog food until I had read consumer reports, statistics, and the ingredients label of who knows how many brands before finally deciding on which one I wanted to use!

Ahh VERY nice! Consumer reports are amazing aren't they!? One of my fav things!


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:34:43 pm
It's funny... I always think it's weird that I research stuff so much.
When people who don't know me very well find out I am reading up about some new product, this collar for example, they kind of act like I am crazy. I am glad I did my research first though. I was going to buy a Gentle Leader, the ones that the dog wears over his muzzle, and was comparing the two products early on. I hear more good than bad on what seemed like legit websites about this collar and decided on it.
If I hadnt continued my research, I, too, would have been one of the people walking the dog with the collar around his neck all wrong!


New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:39:28 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

It's funny... I always think it's weird that I research stuff so much.
When people who don't know me very well find out I am reading up about some new product, this collar for example, they kind of act like I am crazy. I am glad I did my research first though. I was going to buy a Gentle Leader, the ones that the dog wears over his muzzle, and was comparing the two products early on. I hear more good than bad on what seemed like legit websites about this collar and decided on it.
If I hadnt continued my research, I, too, would have been one of the people walking the dog with the collar around his neck all wrong!

Oh ok yeah! The gentle leader is the product for people who do not actually wanna TRAIN their dogs. It like offers downward resistance on their noes, like someone pulling their nose toward the ground the whole time they are pulling (THAT sounds more cruel to me!) and does work to relive some pulling. They are not learning anything though. The dont pull because it is uncomfortable to them but do not associate not pulling is what you want because most people that have them are softys and dont also discipline. With the pinch when they pull, correct, verbalize it, and your dog will soon prob not even need it at all. I'm SURE you already know all this though I just like hearing myself talk and getting double points! Who knows, maybe we educated some more people too!


Teddy Hugs

New Post! March 03, 2009 @ 11:40:06 pm
Definitely not weird to research things, And I will agree that most people probably use it wrong, I wish you and your dog well!

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