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On January 03, 2012 DestenyGrace

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Intergalactic hussy

New Post! April 07, 2009 @ 04:37:48 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

And who is to say the addicts will change?

Do you have a better idea about this?

A way to keep people who may harm a child from having children?

Since anyone can have kids, you don't have the right to say who will be or won't be fit parents until they become one.
I've seen parents who everyone thought would be 'perfect' be horrid parents.
And I've seen parents deemed unfit become great parents.


New Post! April 07, 2009 @ 04:38:23 pm
@Kristy69 Said

There's a 50/50 chance. My mom changed, my dad didn't.

That's why we have social services.

So, have the government take care of the children.

That's so much better than preventing the child in the first place...
Why didn't I think of that??!!

The child that may never have a real childhood, that may be verbally or phyisically abused, neglected, etc.


New Post! April 07, 2009 @ 05:06:21 pm
@DestenyGrace Said

And who is to say the addicts will change?

Do you have a better idea about this?

A way to keep people who may harm a child from having children?

Life in it's way can be hard and cruel sometimes, but that's what shapes us and help's us grow. No matter how much we want to, we can not change the way things are and the more people try to impose their will upon things, in the name of 'for their own good', the worse things get and the less rights we as individuals end up having.
I do see your point DestenyGrace, and I think that locking someone up for whatever crimes they have committed against societal laws is for the good of said society. The only way to keep order is to show that there is consequence for wrong action. But societal law doesn't have the right to impose it's self upon and destroy what God has naturally given us, our bodies. Not as a form of law and punishment. That is nothing less then threat of fear and torture, not unlike what all other failed and hated societal systems in the past have done, ancient Roman under the Caesars, the Dark ages in Europe, etc. The only way to really start change and maybe make things better is to grow and mature as a people past ignorance and immature action and the need to subjugate and control others.
We as a race need to learn to respect and honor one another and work at exemplifying that within our own lives in order for others to see, learn and grow from that example. It's a long term solution, not a quick fix, but things that last never start with a quick fix of convenience.


inspector gadget

New Post! April 07, 2009 @ 06:18:37 pm
@ kirsty69 Said
Yeah, someone who was sterilzed could be happy with it down the line, or they could not. But you can't FORCE it on someone, just like you can't FORCE anyone to have an abortion.

Forcing someone to do anything isn't right.

Well actually you can force someone to be sterilised, in fact a court can authorise it.

however this is only in cases where the person is judged to be to mentily retarded to cope with the trials and tribulations associalted with bringing up a child. but thats not to say that this might not be broadened in the future.

(uk law)

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