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"I just is."
On June 19, 2008 daphers

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St. John's, Canada
Joined: Mar 2008

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Age: 41
Gender: F
Location: St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador
Posts: 31
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Joined:: Mar 28, 2008
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TFS Journal
Is there anyone out there?? Anyone at all?
April 02, 2008 @ 06:55:50 pm
Well, hello there...

This is going to be my bored at work journal. lol

I'm having one of those "blah" days... where everything feels "blah" do you know what I mean? I hope you do, otherwise I would be alone and that would make me feel very scared.

I've also been doing a lot of thinking.... bout life in general.
Anyone out there think and then re-think and then re-think your thinking? If so, you are similar to me.. and I would like to know that there is someone similar to me out there, so again I don't feel scared.

Oh my, I will have more ramblings later .... xoxo

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New Post! April 02, 2008 @ 07:03:40 pm
don't worry, I think about things all the time, and over and over again, so you're not alone. only right now this day is going by soooo slow for me and for some reason about to fall i'm way to tired to think right now


New Post! April 02, 2008 @ 07:10:05 pm
OMG! I'm moving to Newfoundland in a few months. Not St Johns, but Bellevue in Trinity Bay.
Never thought I'd find a Newfoundlander on the Forum. Can't be all that bad, you have a
whole street of Pubs!


New Post! June 13, 2008 @ 08:31:24 pm
What kind of job do you have?
And what is your panic link? ^_^

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