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"I just went from six to midnight"
On July 08, 2009 karlie

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San Diego, California
Joined: May 2009

My Stats
Age: 39
Gender: F
Location: San Diego
United States
Posts: 162
PLS: ? 68.14
Joined:: May 12, 2009
Reputation: 8


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About Me
Im 25, from San Diego CA.
I <3 Jason Segel.

I don't eat red meat. I hate facebook, it confuses me. I like to drink with my friends, however I would love to meet new people who like to do more than drink. Dane Cook is hilarious, but getting a little too cocky. I really want to learn to play the piano. Incorrect grammar drives me crazy, but I do like run on sentences...

"I've got a suprise for youuuuu!!"

Who I Want To Meet
Jason Segel, President Bush,Vince Vaughn & I would love to have a conversation with Tom Hanks

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My Journal
New posts Im feeling argumentative
New posts hoping..
New posts first journal post...


My Interests (6)
movies (1153), politics (324), debating (23), more to come later..., i love movies! my family,
My Friends
On April 13, 2016 luv_to_hold

On February 28, 2010 peppy

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

On April 19, 2010 foodmanhhh

On July 18, 2012 hazuki0chan

On June 21, 2009 bountyhunterdog

On October 16, 2018 Lockdog

On April 25, 2012 plebian_angel

On January 27, 2022 l_teddy10

On January 03, 2012 DestenyGrace

On October 07, 2010 Graverobber

On February 08, 2010 sirmajorlee

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