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On February 16, 2011 pickway

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Maidstone, United Kingdom
Joined: Mar 2005

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Age: 48
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Location: Maidstone
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Joined:: Mar 18, 2005
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New Post! moods
April 06, 2009 @ 10:17:24 am
just lately i feel like all i have done is moan and groan but i feel like nothing is going right at the moment. i have lots of things that are stressing me out and as usual in life, everything comes at once.
someone made a comment to me this morning and now i feel even worse. just one little comment and now i feel like i want to crawl into a hole and cry my eyes out.
arhhhh feel like i am going mad

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New Post! Update For My Friends
May 24, 2008 @ 04:34:21 pm
Firstly, thanks for all the profile comments and PMs left wishing me and the baby well. I thought I would talk to you all together in a journal, so here it is

I still havent had her, but then I am not due till next Sat, but as soon as she arrives you will all be informed. I miss you guys lots, but im trying to cut down on TFS (makes sense in prep for baby arriving) as wont have alot of time to myself, but I do miss you guys. FOK, congrats babe. Hope baby and mum are doing well.

I will make a conscious effort to get online more in the next week. love you guys

Oh and Belle - miss you lots, miss our chats, your still the best! xo

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New Post! My Last Day
April 30, 2008 @ 08:16:00 am
Wooooo bring on the maternity leave I made it! Im soooo bloody happy - and I wont miss walking to work in this miserable weather

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New Post! Ffs
April 24, 2008 @ 08:55:16 am
Tis my leaving do tonight for work, and due to a tummy bug I cant bloody eat anything. Im not a happy bunny

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New Post! My Ankles
April 22, 2008 @ 03:00:33 pm
Hurt, and im really really hot

Im not in a good mood today.

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New Post! Guess Where I Went Silver
April 17, 2008 @ 08:16:16 am
???? All you can eat Chinese Twas so good. Thanks for the idea

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New Post! Work Politics
April 08, 2008 @ 09:04:38 am
Something I have never understood is why when its your birthday, YOU have to buy everyone else cakes Surely they should be buying me cream cakes?

So I totally forgot about having to get them for work today so my ma offered to walk into town this morning to get them for me (i was paying) she came back with enough cakes so each person can have 5. I swear shes totally wiped out M&S's cake area

And my bank balance has sunk

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New Post! ...And Another
April 01, 2008 @ 01:16:40 pm

Im so happy. I wouldnt have minded what it was, Danielle really wanted a boy, but they just dont happen in my family.

Roll on August 11th

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New Post! Deprived.
March 31, 2008 @ 08:24:18 am
Im seriously being deprived of sleep I was up all night last night, I couldnt sleep, too hot, too cold, then I had what felt like trapped wind pains, but wasnt

I managed to drop off about 5.10 this morning. To be waken at 6.45am Whats worse was I didnt even get to have a afternoon kip bc my sister decided to play her "music" loudly.

Im feeling utterly exhausted!

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New Post! Ive Just Got
March 27, 2008 @ 02:13:16 pm
My first birthday card

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