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On February 16, 2011 pickway

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Maidstone, United Kingdom
Joined: Mar 2005

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Age: 48
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Location: Maidstone
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Joined:: Mar 18, 2005
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It's a goodnight from me....
October 01, 2007 @ 05:34:17 pm

After much thought and deliberation, i have decided that I'm going to leave TFS. I'm not going to give my reasons as they are many and i won't bore you with them.

Needless to say, i have enjoyed most of my time on here, although recently i have to say that i have not (damn i said i wouldn't give any reasons )

Anyway, i hope that i made some of you laugh, and to those who i may have upset either directly or in-directly i'm sorry.

Well i hate long goodbye's and i'm already getting RSI from typing this so i'll say farewell.

Take care of yourselves

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New Post! October 01, 2007 @ 05:35:57 pm
Never spoke to you.... but goodbye all the same!

Enjoy your TFS free life!


New Post! October 01, 2007 @ 05:36:09 pm
OK, nice to see you around, have fun!


New Post! October 01, 2007 @ 05:37:16 pm

bye bye have fun in.. your next life?


New Post! October 01, 2007 @ 08:32:19 pm
OK, fella, you take care now.

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