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On August 07, 2008 pollysaid

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, Australia
Joined: Jun 2006

My Stats
Age: 37
Gender: F

Posts: 59
PLS: ? 47.5
Joined:: Jun 28, 2006
Reputation: 0


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About Me

Your Personality Is Like Heroin mmmm heroin

You're capable of the highest highs and the lowest lows.

Addicted to feeling good, you'll do almost anything to avoid pain.

People seek you out, even though you can be quite moody. They're hooked on you!

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts im a silly b****

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you'll love me or you'll hate me

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Who I Want To Meet
My Evil Twin

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Survey of my Life by davya
So Basically..
Name:: jessica
Nicknames:: jess (boring)
Age:: 21
Birth Date:: october
Hair Color:: blonde
Eye Color:: green
Height:: 5'3ish
Piercings:: had ears, belly and toung. but none anymore
Tatoos:: no
Heritage:: english and irish
Food:: anything sweet
Drink:: tea
Time of Day:: when everyone else is sleeping
Season:: all have good points
Day of the Week:: saturday
Color:: all
Place in U.S:: never been, gotta visit vegas though
Place outside U.S:: Australia (home sweet home)
Magazine:: cosmo/cleo
Pet:: aww i love my puppy.(she's old really ijust call her puppy)
Friend:: tough one! nah i cant choose
Feeling: loved
Do You..
Shower Daily:: um yeah
Brush your Teeth Daily:: of course
Sing:: love to
Dance:: love it even more
Drink:: occasionally
Smoke:: occasionally (arent i gross)
Read Books:: yep
Read Magazines:: yep
Have a Religion:: yep, but not religious. if that makes sense
Have a Bf/Gf:: yep, hes beautifull
Play an Instrument:: learning guitar (slowly)
In the Opposite Sex..
Hair Color:: whatever as long as they have some
Eye Color:: soulfull. color dosnt matter
Height:: med/tall i dont trust short men!
Tatoos:: mm maybe one in the right place
Piercings:: nahh
Body Type:: medium
Hobbies:: lovin me he he he
Do You Believe In..
Ghosts:: ooohhh, yep
Aliens:: yep
God:: yep
Devil:: not sure on that one
Heaven:: yep
Hell:: also not sure
Afterlife:: of some kind, yes
Have You Ever..
Been Arrested:: no
Cheated:: yes
Been Cheated on:: i hope not
Had your Heart Broken:: sadly yes
Broken someone elses Heart:: yes
Stripped:: not really
Kissed more than two people in one night:: yes.....oops
Kissed someone of the same sex:: yes
Lied:: once or twice
Gotten into a fight:: not a violent one, no
Passed out:: yep
Stolen anything:: yep....oops
Done something you regret:: hate to say it but yes
Been on T.V:: yep
Been in Love:: yep
Last Person You..
Talked to on the phone:: my beautifull mum
Text Messaged: jo
Instant Messaged: my little bro
Hugged:: my boy
Kissed:: my boy
Yelled at:: my boy
Missed:: my brothers and mum
Were told loved you?: my boy bout ten mins ago
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My Journal
New posts guilty guilty guilty
New posts im a horrible horrible person
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New posts goodnite to all and to all a good nite
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My Interests (24)
music (3956), sex (556), food (357), family (288), sleep (266), tv (244), fashion (140), women (137), love (124), life (105), laughing (96), nirvana (52), shoes (42), men (38), drugs (28), dreams (21), porn (12), pretty things (2), raspberry bullets, people who make me laugh, nodding, shots, kurt,
My Friends
On May 02, 2016 sean_de_foot_longe

On November 30, 2009 TheForumSite

On August 14, 2009 sonic_22

On December 04, 2007 shyninja

On March 30, 2007 riotgirl

On September 15, 2006 spanky

On September 03, 2006 pole_climber

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