I don't think their is an officail way of doing this, so here is the unofficial link to a certain post guide.
This can be pretty handly if you want to show someone a certain post the way it appears on TFS, without quoting the text. then you can do this.
First you will need to go to the thread in which the post you want to link to is located, and then copy the link from the address bar in your browser, its best to copy it, that way you will get the link right without any errors.
So the following links to the thread "post your mind 5". (the "https://" has been left out so that the link will appear in the post without formatting into a proper link)
Now notice the number after the last forward slash ( 12358 which is in bold) this is the post number, and if you want to link to a certain post, then you will need to modify this number.
Now this is where it may get tricky, now say you want to link to post 12358 in post your mind 5, (which contains a post made by me with a smiley face in) you will actually need to put the post number of the previous post in the link.
So if you want to link to post 12358, then you will need to change the number in the link to 12357, and this will come up with the aforementioned post
Notice that the post is 12358, yet the last number in the link is 12357 make sure you put the number of the
previous post of the one you want to link to, otherwise you will link to the post
after the post you want to link to.
If done correctly, the post you linked to will appear at the top of the page, with any following posts comming after it.
Here is a couple of example, this will link to post 12360 in the thread, "post your mind 5"
Or, this will link to the 3rd post, in this thread. now if the post is on the first page, then the link from the address bar will look like this
It doesn't have the second foreward slash with the post number in, but just simply put one in with the post number
Im not sure if this is commen knowledge or not, so the mods may not even know about this, so if anyone has any questions, or are confused and need help with linking to a post, then pm me.