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State Rep calls 16 Year Old Girl "Evil Little Thing"

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someone_else On August 30, 2012
Not a dude.


American Alps, Washington
#46New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 02:06:58
@LuckyCharms Said

Just says that life was created by a deity in the article. Which is religious belief. Granted, there are several different specific creation myths. But teaching creation mythology as a science is still nonsense.

Part of it says that. The whole passage says this:

The bill allows schools to authorize "the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life" and specifically mentions "creation science" as one such theory. Creationism is the belief that the Earth and its creatures were created by a deity.

So, it really depends on how it's done. I wouldn't want it to just be cramming Christian Genesis 1-11 down their throat and nothing else. However, I don't see anything wrong with them saying "This (traditional science) is the accepted theory, but there are others and here is what they are," and then simply presenting the theories to them.
LuckyCharms On July 31, 2021
Magically Delicious

#47New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 02:12:05
@someone_else Said

Part of it says that. The whole passage says this:

So, it really depends on how it's done. I wouldn't want it to just be cramming Christian Genesis 1-11 down their throat and nothing else. However, I don't see anything wrong with them saying "This (traditional science) is the accepted theory, but there are others and here is what they are," and then simply presenting the theories to them.

Something tells me though that it's pretty much gonna be a take off of Genesis. Oh they can't hand out bibles, that would be shut down so fast that heads would spin. But they would take Genesis and translate it into a text book.

I've never seen the supporters of "creation science" subscribe to rationalism. Additionally "creation science" is an oxymoron. Science is based on the scientific method. "Creation science" is completely untestable by the scientific method. It requires a leap of faith.
raditz On June 20, 2024

Houston, Texas
#48New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 02:50:02
@LuckyCharms Said

Well he called some of his constituents 'evil people' and called the child of two of his constituents an 'evil little thing'. He's facing a backlash of public opinion.

That's what he said and that's what he gets. Pretty A+B. Sorry, Rad, but freedom of speech also means you have to take responsibility for that speech. I've never understood why people think they can behave like children and face no social/public consequences then try to wrap themselves in the constitution/bill of rights as justification. That's f***ed up.

I never said there would be no consequences for his comment.
thequietman On August 29, 2018

Rusty Bullet Hole, Washington
#49New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 02:56:17
She should have burned the school down.
thequietman On August 29, 2018

Rusty Bullet Hole, Washington
#50New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 02:58:39
@someone_else Said

I can understand that. The article said "creation science" so maybe it would focus it differently.

There is no science behind the theory of creation.
LuckyCharms On July 31, 2021
Magically Delicious

#51New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 03:13:09
@raditz Said

I never said there would be no consequences for his comment.

Your post implied that he should be able to say what he wanted and that commenting on it or castigating him for it is inappropriate.

Saying something like "so much for freedom of speech..." in regards to this is tantamount to saying that he should face no backlash for his reprehensible words.
DorkySupergirl On November 02, 2017

, Canada
#52New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 19:22:51
I think Mr. Palumbo has some praying of his own to do because as an adult christian male, this is not the way Jesus would want him to speak about a minor. So before he decides to take on a fight about if praying or anything to do with God should be in a public school, he needs to ensure he is an example of what being a christian is.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#53New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 20:18:50
@DorkySupergirl Said

I think Mr. Palumbo has some praying of his own to do because as an adult christian male, this is not the way Jesus would want him to speak about a minor. So before he decides to take on a fight about if praying or anything to do with God should be in a public school, he needs to ensure he is an example of what being a christian is.

palumbo called her trained to be evil by evil parents.
he covered his ass.
DorkySupergirl On November 02, 2017

, Canada
#54New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 20:31:10
@Willi Said

palumbo called her trained to be evil by evil parents.
he covered his ass.

He is still not displaying the character of a Christian with his words.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#55New Post! Jan 27, 2012 @ 20:36:37
@DorkySupergirl Said

He is still not displaying the character of a Christian with his words.

to him at his current state of evil and good.
evil takes away god.
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