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Second degree..

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cole On October 22, 2023

Stirling, United Kingdom
#16New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:47:02
@hallucinogenic_lipstick Said

isnt open uni expensive? you need any GCSE's cos i only have 2 and school didnt mix lol
I get mines free because i receive working family tax credits. But yeah my Bsc is broken down in to seperate courses and whats more you have 8 years to do them all to complete the Bsc, so you can take a break now and then

And for most courses you don't need to have any previous qualifications, obviously that will vary between courses but they also do sort "access" courses which give you a grounding for the main course you will then choose - they also have whats called an "open Bsc" and from that you can choose from a whole range of different subjects, you just have to get 360 points to get the degree
brainfarmer On February 09, 2007

huddersfield, United Kingdom
#17New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:47:36
hallucinogenic_lipstick lol i had a good long chat with a forensics guy a while back and if what 1/2 he told me was true you need a very very strong stomach.
hallucinogenic_lipstick On January 25, 2022

Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Ki
#18New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:48:05
I want to go to uni, i never had the chance to after kids in full time school now so i should do something.
hallucinogenic_lipstick On January 25, 2022

Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Ki
#19New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:49:41
@brainfarmer Said
hallucinogenic_lipstick lol i had a good long chat with a forensics guy a while back and if what 1/2 he told me was true you need a very very strong stomach.

I work with blood, poo, vomit, spunk, toe nails...even applied to be a post mortem assistant lol

Nerves of steel me lol
markfox01 On October 23, 2021

Welshman in Brum.., United Kin
#20New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:50:34
@hallucinogenic_lipstick Said
I want to go to uni, i never had the chance to after kids in full time school now so i should do something.

do it when you go back to NZ. theres some good unis down there..

But if not open uni is world wide!!

Christa.. i under stand, but you can do a scourse when the kids are in bed??
bendover On November 25, 2007


Muff, Ireland
#21New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:52:44
There's a guy I went to school with that are still in education. He loves the student life and goes from one degree to another. He has more letters after his name than a board of scrabble.

Thankfully he's an only child from a wealthy family and even at his age his parents still fund his life that removes him from any possibility of taking on responsibility and God forbid settling down to act like the average adult.
brainfarmer On February 09, 2007

huddersfield, United Kingdom
#22New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:53:37
i think in most cases if you really want to study for some-thing go for it and good for you.
markfox01 On October 23, 2021

Welshman in Brum.., United Kin
#23New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 17:54:23
@bendover Said
There's a guy I went to school with that are still in education. He loves the student life and goes from one degree to another. He has more letters after his name than a board of scrabble.

Thankfully he's an only child from a wealthy family and even at his age his parents still fund his life that removes him from any possibility of taking on responsibility and God forbid settling down to act like the average adult.

see if i was a millionare i would study till i die..

but the flip of it all, education doesnt get you experience..
paramour On July 30, 2014

Purgatory Beach,
#24New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 18:39:07
@lili Said
Well, he could always get a career as a college professor, they make loads of money! I don't know many other careers where a PhD in history would come in handy.

Loads of money? Have you spoken to any college professors lately? The average professor does not come close to making "loads of money" unless it's in comparison to someone who works in the fast food industry (or something comparable). You typically do not teach because you want to make tons of money. If that is your main priority, then you usually go work somewhere other than academia.
bexter On June 02, 2007

Where the Cheese is kept, Unit
#25New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 18:42:54
@markfox01 Said

Ive got a degree in aircraft engineering and i can tell you thats enough for me,

Very la de da
paramour On July 30, 2014

Purgatory Beach,
#26New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 18:45:38
And, to answer the original poster . . . It depends upon what he wants to do. If he can't do it with a master's degree, then by all means go for the doctorate. If he can but really enjoys the educational experience, wants to continue it just for the heck of it, and has the means to do so, then go right ahead.

However, I agree with Cole. there are many people out there who have degrees, some of them multiple degrees, who are unable to obtain employment in an area that's even closely related to what they went to university for. Before committing one's self to such an endeaver, I would recommend sitting down and figuring out what you plan on getting out of it. If it's just another piece of paper that has no meaning, then why waste the time and money?
garfunkel On December 29, 2008
my beautiful rescue


Sydney, Australia
#27New Post! Sep 20, 2006 @ 22:18:58
I don't understand how some people can just stay in Uni or college for ages and continue doing degrees. They need to actually earn an income and get out into the real life and work, not sitting in education for the rest of their lives.

I cant wait to get out of uni, I wouldn't have gone if I didn't need it
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