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Animal Rights

Animals performing as humans

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Pau_Diaz On November 25, 2009

Gerona, Spain
#1New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:34:35
I would like to say that I abhor how animals are filmed in human attires and wielding firearms on You Tube and other video hosting websites. They were turned into freaks, for goodness sake! It has to be said they never evolved to learn how to build our kinds of tools for whatever purpose. They were never meant to emulate humans because they are built in such a way that makes the image of them performing like humans awkward at the very least.

We are violating animal rights by doing this and being rather arrogant in our implied assumption that human culture is so superior to animals, they have to publically adopt it for comic effect or because it's better if they do.
OffmetrOlley On November 27, 2009


away with the fairys, United K
#2New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:36:43
@Pau_Diaz Said

I would like to say that I abhor how animals are filmed in human attires and wielding firearms on You Tube and other video hosting websites. They were turned into freaks, for goodness sake! It has to be said they never evolved to learn how to build our kinds of tools for whatever purpose. They were never meant to emulate humans because they are built in such a way that makes the image of them performing like humans awkward at the very least.

We are violating animal rights by doing this and being rather arrogant in our implied assumption that human culture is so superior to animals, they have to publically adopt it for comic effect or because it's better if they do.

i totally agree,

buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
Powered by tea

Viaticum, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:37:36
I don't agree, but I don't find it particularly entertaining either.
Snoopsie On April 12, 2011

, Canada
#4New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:45:03
Humans can be spectacularly cruel to other species. Hopefully, one day, we'll get our payback.
chisa96 On December 29, 2014
Supreme Goddess

Out in Nature, Wisconsin
#5New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:49:45
teaching them tricks is cruelty now? granted, it's corny as hell... but some people just think it's cute, along the lines of teaching our dogs to roll over for a treat...
plebian_angel On April 25, 2012
Intergalactic hussy

a great future,
#6New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 18:52:02
If it's not hurting them
I taught my dog to that wrong? He likes to dance to Wednesday 13
Allyson On January 20, 2010


, Michigan
#7New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 20:24:32
I think teaching a dog tricks.and dancing and doing the course they run and go up and down things and through things,I cant remember the name for that , anyway It's fun for the dogs, thats not cruel.
Thats playing and the dogs love it.We have a place here in Lapeer. and the dogs have such a great time.
2nd_Evil_Head On March 24, 2015

#8New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 20:51:39
My dogs are very happy to do stupid things for me, my cat, not so much.
fuzzy_hand_cuffs On December 30, 2009

Clarksville, Tennessee
#9New Post! Oct 26, 2009 @ 21:46:11
I think its very entertaining....But then again, I dont have a soul.
Pau_Diaz On November 25, 2009

Gerona, Spain
#10New Post! Oct 27, 2009 @ 08:56:41
Animals have tricks of their own trade and can be entertaining in their own distinct ways. Rolling over and dancing are acceptable habits to teach animals because many have their own kinds of dance or physical feats. In that regard it's an interspecies practice we can share with them.

I need to point out that teaching squirrels for example how to use weapons would be dangerous as they would abuse their knowledge, not having any concept of a conscience. They would set up land mines near trees or guard posts and open fire on any intruder, not necessarily to kill them, but hurting them pretty badly. How would we prosecute squirrels, since they don't conform to human intelligence?
blackfoot1964 On December 08, 2016

Dunstable, Massachusetts
#11New Post! Oct 27, 2009 @ 09:02:44
"doing the course they run and go up and down things and through things"

Agility Course
chisa96 On December 29, 2014
Supreme Goddess

Out in Nature, Wisconsin
#12New Post! Oct 27, 2009 @ 09:51:24
@Pau_Diaz Said

I need to point out that teaching squirrels for example how to use weapons would be dangerous as they would abuse their knowledge, not having any concept of a conscience. They would set up land mines near trees or guard posts and open fire on any intruder, not necessarily to kill them, but hurting them pretty badly. How would we prosecute squirrels, since they don't conform to human intelligence?

and mankind will be laid to waste by the mighty squirrel...
fuzzy_hand_cuffs On December 30, 2009

Clarksville, Tennessee
#13New Post! Oct 27, 2009 @ 20:38:24
Pau_Diaz On November 25, 2009

Gerona, Spain
#14New Post! Oct 28, 2009 @ 20:18:30
We'd have to take a number of squirrels out of their natural habitat and selectively breed them to evolve into more humanoid creatures. Such a process would take a long time and if their natural abilities remained intact, they'd be even more of a threat. Imagine a squirrel empire or something like that.
hazuki0chan On July 18, 2012
Zombie Slayer

San Francisco, California
#15New Post! Oct 28, 2009 @ 20:26:43
You don't get out much, do you?
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