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Men in Tight Pants (Emo Kids, Cyclists, Gay Guys)

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vicki On May 28, 2010


#16New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 11:18:41
If it's a a cute package I actually enjoy seeing it.
curiouskat On February 16, 2010


Adelaide, Australia
#17New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:04:20
Ohhhh, my ex is stuck in 1994..

He has worn the same style black skin tight jeans for as long as i can remember!(We all know the look, its paired with a Metallica or Pantera long sleeved shirt and black boots and hair that needs a cut badly!)

They look ok on him i guess, if you like men stuck in a time warp
Mysteria On May 19, 2014
I Am Rogue!

A Small Town, Texas
#18New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:10:50
I can't stand to see men wear pants up under their armpits and/or the ones who wear Wranglers which ride up in the crotch. A man's privates weren't meant to be the shape of a female's.
buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
Powered by tea

Viaticum, United Kingdom
#19New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:21:56
@AquilusDomini Said

Is anyone else disturbed by men in bike shorts? Or emo boys in skinny jeans? Or even gay guys in leggings?
I was out riding my bike a few weeks ago and this guy rode past on his, stood up to pedal, and oh the horror. You could see his "package" outlined perfectly and the pants rode up his buttcrack just brutal.
We've also got this emo kid down the street, i suppose he's in 10th or 11th grade, anywhoo, he wears these really tight skinny jeans that i swear are actually women's pants. Again, there's a problem with super wedgie going on and you can see his a** crack defined perfectly because of the pants.
Anyone else witness these kinds of things?

A note to men in tight pants: Dude, no one wants to see your package perfectly defined. There is no technical need to wear skin tight pants. By wearing tight pants, you can get ass/crotch smell!

I don't wear skinny jeans, I wear baggy long ones. But people can wear whatever the f*** they want, for all I care.
davii On January 14, 2013
I'm Awesome


London, United Kingdom
#20New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:31:06
@curiouskat Said

Ohhhh, my ex is stuck in 1994..

He has worn the same style black skin tight jeans for as long as i can remember!(We all know the look, its paired with a Metallica or Pantera long sleeved shirt and black boots and hair that needs a cut badly!)

They look ok on him i guess, if you like men stuck in a time warp

That's sounding a lil too familiar... :P

I think people wearing clothes that fit well tend to look better overall - male or female.
incognito On February 26, 2010
Giddy In The Pants


, Canada
#21New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:39:58
Personally, I like that he is open to letting me see what he is packing.
lindasue1718 On January 13, 2010

San Antonio, Texas
#22New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 13:42:38
@Coleosis Said

nah...I dont like when guys wear girl jeans...and have girly hair...and wear eye shadow...its just not they are going to be getting implants and tucking their junk in between their legs.

They already DO that stuff too!
Kristy69 On September 14, 2014
Carly's Mommy

Underneath the Cyanide Sun....
#23New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 14:24:49
You can wear skinnny jeans, but not have them skin tight.
It's all about size, fit, and how you wear it.
radicolpotato On September 14, 2018

#24New Post! Sep 12, 2009 @ 14:33:21
people should whear what they want...

i would never whear tight pants.

they will hurt me

cant be too comfortable for me
SpicyMonkey On January 08, 2010

Maple Shade, New Jersey
#25New Post! Dec 14, 2009 @ 02:00:29
I really don't think that guys should wear skinny jeans-it is just weird lol. Bikers usually have to wear the tight pants, so I don't mind them all that much.
deal1 On May 06, 2011

not of this earth,
#26New Post! Dec 14, 2009 @ 02:30:31
What really sucks is big fat women in spandex...I mean morbidly obese women .
JorieJukebox On April 30, 2024

Right Here, Not There,
#27New Post! Jan 20, 2010 @ 17:17:09
@curiouskat Said

Ohhhh, my ex is stuck in 1994..

He has worn the same style black skin tight jeans for as long as i can remember!(We all know the look, its paired with a Metallica or Pantera long sleeved shirt and black boots and hair that needs a cut badly!)

They look ok on him i guess, if you like men stuck in a time warp

My baby's dad is the same way, lol. Altho I did get him into blue jeans... and I like his hair long. And you forgot about the black leather jacket.
Gaditana On November 19, 2013
Random Q

Queens, New York
#28New Post! Jan 20, 2010 @ 20:17:46
As long as it looks right on them I loves it!!!!
Grasshopper On January 11, 2023
Just me.

Fort Collins, Colorado
#29New Post! Sep 26, 2010 @ 01:00:54
Even being a girl I'd never wear them!
Ko On January 25, 2011

949 Orange County, California
#30New Post! Sep 26, 2010 @ 01:03:06
I hope this is not about the tight compression sports gears. Those have so many advantages!
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