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The number of overweight/obese people

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lanesrA On June 12, 2010

, United Kingdom
#1New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:29:52
I know we all hear how bad society is these days, especially in western countries with regards to obesity and other illnesses, but im just talking about in general. Everywhere you go at least 1/3 (goes with statistics) of the people are podgy or at least very 'big'.

I was looking through some pictures of my parents when they were young and all their family and friends (this goes back roughly 30 years) and not a SINGLE person is overweight, they are all extremely thin and actually look happy. Of course many lifestyle choices today are causing people to gain weight as well as become depressed etc etc etc but it really is of their own doing.

Now I dont claim to be stick thin, im about 6ft and 12 stone, could lose a bit more weight if i wanted but im nothing like a lot of people I see around lately, especially females. Its really scary to think how people can get themselves to the state they are in or not even make a considerable effort to lose that weight.

Im just having a general rant...I know all the whole "problems" people have with losing weight, the constant battles they face etc etc blah blah blah but its all bulls***. If people really wanna start losing weight they can, its actually simple. Constant exercise, a more active lifestyle, less food, sensible eating and a general positive outlook on life.

What do you all think about people in society nowadays?
Rant over
lilbear On January 18, 2010
Aequitas / Veritas!


, Canada
#2New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:34:09
Everyone is allowed their opinion on any topic!

Oh! And to answer your question on what do I think of the people in Society today.. I like people, no matter what size, shape or form they come in. It's their behaviors and personalities that actually gross me out at times.
SparklyKatie On March 07, 2014

Sheffield, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:34:34
i see alot more obese women than men when im out and about, but usually its when im in town shopping so dunno what the proportion of men to women would be, i guess its about equal
Stigma On February 13, 2010
zombie vomit


, New Hampshire
#4New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:35:55
I actually was talking with my mom, and she said when she was in high school, NOBODY was overweight, people were average and less.

It really is amazing how much that has changed over the years, I wouldn't call myself fat, but I'm not exactly thin either. I'm 5'5" and 135lbs. I don't know how many stones that is, around 10 stones I think, maybe a little less?
lanesrA On June 12, 2010

, United Kingdom
#5New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:36:33
@SparklyKatie Said

i see alot more obese women than men when im out and about, but usually its when im in town shopping so dunno what the proportion of men to women would be, i guess its about equal

Yeah I think it notices more on girls cause they are generally smaller, hence can gain weight more easily.
Falsifying On December 19, 2013
Google is watching.

Austin, Texas
#6New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:36:33
@SparklyKatie Said

i see alot more obese women than men when im out and about, but usually its when im in town shopping so dunno what the proportion of men to women would be, i guess its about equal

There probably are more obese women, since it is harder for women to lose weight.
lets_see On May 17, 2009


#7New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:37:19
I like how you single out women. im overweight, and will be the first to admit it. this is my 3rd pregnancy in 2 years though, and its been found that my hormones will not allow me to lose weight. (plus, im 27 weeks pregnant) I've seen this a lot lately, people blaming the person for being overweight. I had a doctor do this to me while I was in the hospital. kept telling me to stay on a low fat diet, because of my gallstones, without asking my medical history or about my normal diet. so instead of automaticlly blaming the prson, why not look at health problems that have caused the weight problems. a lot of times that is the reason.
littleME On August 01, 2009


, Ireland
#8New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:37:38
out of interest, wat wld u consider overweight-take a look at my pic wld i b considered? i know it depends on height n all that..
lanesrA On June 12, 2010

, United Kingdom
#9New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:37:53
@Stigma Said

I actually was talking with my mom, and she said when she was in high school, NOBODY was overweight, people were average and less.

It really is amazing how much that has changed over the years, I wouldn't call myself fat, but I'm not exactly thin either. I'm 5'5" and 135lbs. I don't know how many stones that is, around 10 stones I think, maybe a little less?

Thats exactly what I mean. I suppose a couple of decades ago there were no computers etc and people needed to socialise by actually GOING OUT and not sitting in a chair all night chatting
angelcake On January 18, 2016
Say whaaa

Eastleigh, United Kingdom
#10New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:38:25
I will say for the majority of people it's the case of eating poorly, not exercising enough and generally being lazy.

There are people granted few and far between that have a reason for being 'fat' be it a physical or psychological. Eating disorders don't necessarily mean that people are insanely thin.
lanesrA On June 12, 2010

, United Kingdom
#11New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:38:58
@littleME Said

out of interest, wat wld u consider overweight-take a look at my pic wld i b considered? i know it depends on height n all that..

Well I cant see all of you, but you seem to look thin! Definitely not overweight just from the couple of images I saw of you. No where near the majority of 'average' girls you see at our age lately
angelcake On January 18, 2016
Say whaaa

Eastleigh, United Kingdom
#12New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:39:52
@lets_see Said

I like how you single out women. im overweight, and will be the first to admit it. this is my 3rd pregnancy in 2 years though, and its been found that my hormones will not allow me to lose weight. (plus, im 27 weeks pregnant) I've seen this a lot lately, people blaming the person for being overweight. I had a doctor do this to me while I was in the hospital. kept telling me to stay on a low fat diet, because of my gallstones, without asking my medical history or about my normal diet. so instead of automaticlly blaming the prson, why not look at health problems that have caused the weight problems. a lot of times that is the reason.

I wouldn't say a lot of people have health problems but there are the people that do, and unfortunately they tend to get tarred with the brush of being lazy and eating poorly.
lanesrA On June 12, 2010

, United Kingdom
#13New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:40:01
@lets_see Said

I like how you single out women. im overweight, and will be the first to admit it. this is my 3rd pregnancy in 2 years though, and its been found that my hormones will not allow me to lose weight. (plus, im 27 weeks pregnant) I've seen this a lot lately, people blaming the person for being overweight. I had a doctor do this to me while I was in the hospital. kept telling me to stay on a low fat diet, because of my gallstones, without asking my medical history or about my normal diet. so instead of automaticlly blaming the prson, why not look at health problems that have caused the weight problems. a lot of times that is the reason.

Please dont think im "singling out" women. I suppose I notice it more because I am attracted to women and therefore tend to notice looks in the opposite sex more so than my own. It was simply an observation, no offence intended
Stigma On February 13, 2010
zombie vomit


, New Hampshire
#14New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:40:26
@lets_see Said

why not look at health problems that have caused the weight problems. a lot of times that is the reason.

While this may be so, that means people are much more unhealthy now adays as apposed to 30 years ago(we must be doing something different to cause this)which is something that can be changed a lot of the times. Though I know a few people with Thyroid problems, that really must be brutal.
Wingsy On November 26, 2023


#15New Post! Jan 11, 2009 @ 23:40:32
@Falsifying Said

There probably are more obese women, since it is harder for women to lose weight.

Yep. Hormones, stress levels, and slow metabolism contribute to women having trouble losing weight. I have a medical condition that causes my metabolism to be freakishly slow. I used to run 1 1/2 miles every day and STILL couldn't drop weight. I eat more fruits and vegetables than junk, and prefer water to other beverage choices. And yet, I've spent the last 15 years struggling with my weight.

You can call it bulls*** if you want, but once I got started on medication, I've dropped 3 sizes and more weight than I choose to say.
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