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On January 03, 2012 DestenyGrace

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Pendleton, Oregon
Joined: Feb 2009

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Age: 33
Gender: F
Location: Pendleton
United States
Posts: 1064
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Joined:: Feb 18, 2009
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New Post! This Sucks
January 06, 2016 @ 06:37:08 am
Well I'm sick gosh darn it. I hate being sick. its just a cold and its not to bad but its no fun and with 3 kids its not like i can take a sick day. getting excited heading to the coast on the 14th i need ideas to keep my kids busy in the car its a 6 hour drive. ok not much else i want to report the screen is starting to hurt my head

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New Post! Blah
January 03, 2016 @ 06:08:15 am
Im tring to find a nice dress for my anniversary coming up but everything i find is either WAY to short (im not 18 anymore) way to look at me im a disco ball or grandmaish ( i can still show cleavage) why cant i just find a nice dress tastful but still sexy dress

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New Post! Being an "Adult"
January 03, 2016 @ 01:56:51 am
Remember being a kid and not being able to wait to grow up?? Then you do grow up and you find out it sucks you have bills and you have to work everyday. No more summer vacations holiday breaks or just go hang out when ever you want. You have to be an "adult" That is what I think an adult is someone who has to work and take care of their family and pay for the things they want. What it dont mean is you have to stop having fun I hate when im "acting like a child" having fun goofing off and i get told to act like an adult. I did adult duties i went to work i paid my bills i made sure my family was taken care of.

Other things i have found funny being an adult you get excited about different thing then you did as a kid. my honey just bought a new shower head and i was so excited because our other one sucks. We are also looking a new washer and dryer mainly because i did not have a working washer for 3 month come to find out it was something small and easy to fix so had no washer for a stupid reason so now it works. Still wanting to get a new one as soon as we can affrod it. we are also looking at other appliances as a kid i hated to go looking at them lol now i live for it. I like being an adult but then i have my days where i just say f it im done adulting today

What things do you find yourself getting excited about that you thought was boring or stupid as a kid??

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New Post! Its Saturday not Sunday
January 03, 2016 @ 01:24:41 am
So today I have thought it was sunday my honey just infored me that its saturday.

today has been a bit productive. I cleaned my kitching my living room and took my tree down. It is such a sad day when i have to take it down I love my christmas tree i wish i could leave it up all year round.

So I guess im not getting a ring from my honey going to be getting my mixer which im excited about. We talked about the ring and he said he could not find any that he really liked. Plus it would not be an engagment ring and he dont want to get engaged till he is ready to marry me that day. the last year we have been great and happy but the first 3ish years we were rocking and did not know if we were going to make it. i understand where he is coming from but it kinda sucks at the same time. We will one day get married i just hope it dont take to much longer im not getting younger.



New Post! Hmmmm
January 02, 2016 @ 04:23:31 am
Well i have tried to post pics and they tell me they are the wrok kind hahahaha that sucks i got some good ones too. maybe i will clean out some of my old pics and put them there.

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New Post! Im Off
December 31, 2015 @ 05:56:06 pm
Well about to head up the MT well after i get my check lol i will try to take some pics while im there do you guys want to see pic?? if so i will put some up when i get home tonight.

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New Post! Its Wednestday
December 31, 2015 @ 06:26:17 am
So today started off like crap at work boss was a pain today is my last day of the week to work i only worked yesterday and today this week. but i got some good news Im going to be transfering to the starbucks and so i will be working deli and starbucks till a lady retires then i will be full time 38 hours a week at starbucks im super excited this 12 or 16 hours a week is not doing it for me.

Home update. Poor baby Keira is sick for the first time a bit stuffy and a runny nose and so is her daddy crossing fingers that no one else gets sick. this weekend i get to go snowmobiling YAY i have not been in a few year super excited to get up to the mt and go play. one of these days soon i need to take the time and take my tree down lol so not ready for that.

Here is a story for you,

My honey and I have been together almost 4 years as of now we are not married or engaged (yes I have 3 kids two are his and one he has taken as his own you have rude comments about children out of wedlock please keep them to yourself ) about 3 or 4 months after we got together he got me a $25 ring that has both of our names on it. i have been wearing it on my left ring finger ever since. So now that you have the back story yesterday he tell me i have a choice for my christmas present (no we have not bought christmas gifts yet that is a long story you want to hear it i would be happy to share lol) he say i can have a kitchen aid mixer or a ring... I ask what kind of ring and the smart a** he is tells me you know the round kind that goes on your finger. Then he tells me that i have been bugging him for 4 years to put a ring on my finger... This is where i start to get a little excited. after a little bit i tell him you know that was kind of a crappy way to ask if i wanted a ring.. he looks at me and say oh honey its not an engagement ring i just thought you might like a nicer ring seeing how you have been wearing that one for almost 4 years. Well dang it i should have known better lol still think im going to ask for the ring it has been a very long time since i have had a nice ring hahahaha one day i will get him to marry me but not today.

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New Post! Crossing my fingers
December 30, 2015 @ 06:23:51 am
Well as of right now i work at a safeway deli and its not a bad job but i get crap for hours last week i got 12 hours and this week i work 2 days and get 16 hours. i have 3 kids and that many hours does not pay the bills at all. But tonight while i was at work the manager from starbucks asked me if i wanted to transfer and i told her yes as long as i get more then 16 hours a week i would love to. i would be a closer which is fine that is what i do now but instead of closing at 9 i would get off at 730 i would love to be able to be home in time to put my kids to bed. So crossing my fingers that this turns in to something and not just another empty promise.

as for news about home. baby girl is growing too fast she is almost 4 months old. Im not sure why we got her a floor play mat she does not stay on it. she almost has rolling over from back to front down if she would just move her arm a little she would be over. as for the boy Ayden is still on Christmas brake and cant wait to go back to school he is odd he loves school really hope he stays that way. Carson is a ball of energy and has an attitude that i could never guess where he got it from. I love watching my kids and seeing how different their personality are from each other.

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New Post! Hello Again
December 29, 2015 @ 08:15:39 am
Well hello TFS long time no talk. I have not been on here in almost 3 years hard to imagine that I use to be on here everyday all day 6ish years ago. I met some really great people on here who got me through my first pregnancy. Im not sure how many if any of those people still use this site. For anyone who was here back then or anyone new reading this here is an update on me.

Ayden is almost 6 years old holy crap how time flies. Carson just turned 3 a few weeks ago and now i have a beautiful new little girl her name is Keira and she is almost 4 months old. My honey and I are almost at our 4 year make. we have had our ups and downs but we are doing great and are happy. Now if i could just get him to marry me lol. Maybe one day he will. My goal is to start a phliobotomy class in march crossing my fingers i get in have to have 3 letters of recommendation those are kinda hard to get. Other then working and having a baby and taking care of my family there is not much else new about me. Just living and enjoying life right now

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New Post! been a long time
January 16, 2013 @ 07:37:04 am
So its been a while and I thought you guys mightvwant a baby update so my new son was born December 9th he was 3 weeks early he was 6lbs 3oz and 20 in long. Totally helthy and has been such a good baby. My and honey will have been together for a tear on friday I can't wait we got a room at a casino its really nice. Going ti have lots if fun. Aydeb is loving being a big brother he is very helpful. Oh forgot to say new babys name is Carson Lynn

Well thats all for now

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