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On January 16, 2014 calonso

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TFS Journal
Dream Journal
April 17, 2008 @ 10:48:41 pm
I was sharing dream scenes with some friends on one of my threads and I decided to open up a dream diary of my own crazy but interesting dreams. Comments and interpretation attempts are welcome.

Dream Journal entry 1 -The lake and flying souls

I was strolling through the woods with a friend of mine and we were talking about history and what it would be like to be one of those trees that had lived through it all and know the truth of what really happened in history. We came to a clearing of green pastures and a lake and by the lake was a pretty carousel with people on it children as well. But this carousel was different as it could go up and hover in the sky without any technology.

As we were observing this I noticed the lake. It was a long perfectly rectangular lake and then suddenly the sky was clouded with gray clouds. And the only opening to the blue sky was right over the lake and the opening was the exact shape and size of the rectangular lake.

Suddenly, we were all standing on one side of the lake I was on one end of the lake looking towards the other end observing all the many different people just waiting. Then, the opening in the sky started to close slowly from one end to the other like a sliding door. As soon as it started closing the people from the other end of the lake started flying up into the opening but as spirits (white light ghostly spirits)

Some flew into the opening and some didn't and it was like a wave of light coming my way. As the opening was closing the wave came my way and it was my turn to either fly or stay, I looked up to the little bit of sky left and... I wake up, but not physically, just from that scene, I wake up (still dreaming) and start talking about it to some friends.

So I never knew if I got to fly or not but I remember the feeling I had as it was happening, I felt excited but scared that I wasn't going to be able to fly but I knew that had to believe I could to have any hope of flying. It was a cool dream but I find it funny that I didn't get to see the outcome though I was still dreaming and I often wonder what it could mean.

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New Post! April 18, 2008 @ 01:37:45 am
Your not going to die until you are very old!


New Post! April 29, 2008 @ 08:44:32 pm
Dream Journal Entry 2 -The evil army of the apacolypse

(This one is pretty long but also action packed and kinda crazy.)

I'm walking through the woods on my way home and a slender black teenage boy wearing headphones sees me accross the way. He yells out something but i take it as he's listening to his head phones and I ignore him, and pick a pen up off the ground and continue walking home.

He follows me all the way home and I leave the door open and he follows me in the house. My husband comes out to interrogate him on who he is and why he's in our house and the boy tries to tell him to give him money but you can tell he's autistic or retarted or something. My husband gives him a few dollars but the boy keeps insisting and my husband says there's no more money.

So I take the boy to some church people and they all give him money in envelopes and we go to a department store and use the money to buy lots and lots of posters, all with the same image, a dragon of some sort. He hands me a rolled up poster and I see the barcode at the top with a date and a time 06/06/09, can't remember the time but it had a 6 in it ofcourse. So I ask the boy what was that supposed to mean the end of the apocolypse or something? And he says yes, and I was like, well isn't it supposed to be 666? And he was telling me something about numbers not meaning what we think they mean, something or the other, and then I realize that whoever had a poster would be a soilder in the army of the apocolypse, hence, "the bad guys" and I had a poster!

After the end of the world ended, all of us in the army were protected of course, I, still holding this poster watched all the other soilders get their supplies and what not. I threw the poster down and walked around praying to Jesus because I surley didn't mean to wind up in the devils army. (Yes, I find this funny too.) Then I hear that all the soilders are being given a drug and that it's manditory they all take it.

The leader of the army, which I thought was the skinny black teenager but is now a fat older white male (yes my dreams are always this wacky) was looking for me to make sure I get the drug. I hid myself and snuck around the base looking for the leaders office. I guess what I was trying to do was kill him. I had an ally, a blonde girl my age, helping me get in, and I hid myself in the office somewhere and I watched as they tried to force the drug on someone who refused and they killed him. The people left but there was one guy talking on a cell phone who saw me, my ally snatched him up and quietly did, I don't know what, to him.

The leader came in with back up and found me immediatley so I had to run away. With countless soilders trying to catch me, I made my way in to an open courtyard of some sort with lots of tall trees. The soilders were right on my tail, with guns ofcourse. As they began to shoot at me, I flew up into the trees. Some of them had the power to fly up into the trees as well and I started fighting them off one by one. After I was done with all of them I made a run for it out into the city.

I came to a bus terminal and there were alot of people there and I didn't even notice that everything was fine after the apocalypse. I was still being pursued though so I tried to get to high ground but climbing up some beams. A couple of security guards dressed in weird white uniforms spotted me and yelled out for me to stop, but then I started running away from them but then I figured they were normal folk, there was no need to have them after me too, so I stopped and turned around with my hands up.

Even though I surrendered, they still shot some kind of mechanism at me, I had not idea what it was so I stopped it in mid air with the power of my mind and started twiling it around, with my mind ofcourse, trying to inspect it, I think it was a shot for that drug. As I was doing this, I totally forgot the security guards were watching this. I looked at them and they looked astonished and scared s***less, so I dropped the mechanism and started running again for the soilders were comming again.

They chased me througout the city, I'm running up the side of buildings like spider man and stuff (so cool) and they follow me into a warehouse of some sort and I have to fight some here, some there and one dude with a crazy looking sword that I had to kill by picking him up, swinging him by the legs and breaking his back on the corner of a wall.

I finally come to a stair well that goes either up or down. The leader and some armed soilders are waiting for me there, there is a man and his wife and kid that are innocent bystanders. I take the man hostage and as soon as I break line of sight with the soilders I let the man go and start running down the stairs. I look up to see if they are on my tail again and for some reason they are all looking up. The innocent man led them to believe I went upstairs instead of down. So I got away.

As I come out of the stair well, some more allies close in around me to hide me and we walk out of sight into a sewer of some kind and we go to escape through a vent. After we open it there's some half naked little boy, standing there asking for the drug. We were disturbed by it...


New Post! May 04, 2008 @ 09:31:23 pm
Dream Journal Entry 3 -Lucid dream and the white sand beach

I realized I was dreaming, mostly happens when I'm flying that's my signal. Then I tried to change my surroundings but it was a little hard to control, I kept getting different scenes that you can tell my subconscious was still in control.

I finally came to a scene I liked; A white sand beach. I walked through the gate and was so in love with it, because I love the beach and never have been to a white sand beach. I felt the sand between my toes and went into the crystal clear water. I was at such peace, however there was this red head girl that kept trying to talk to me so I ignored her because I knew she was just part of my normal dreaming trying to reclaim my mind.

But then she said; "Can I ask you a question?" And I turned around to listen to the question and it was a talking black cat saying; "why are you so vastly detained?" I didn't know what to say to that and I woke up. What the heck was that about?


New Post! July 18, 2008 @ 07:24:18 pm
Dream Journal Entry 4 - The monster in the sewers and dream lucidity

I was walking in a nice and peaceful neighborhood and I came to a sewer drain and looked down into it and noticed someone was down there. I started to go down to save whoever it was and once I stuck my head down there to get a better look, I saw a girl who was barely alive and then I saw a wave of flashing white light comming towards me and I quickly got out and ran to tell someone.

While I was gone the white light took the form of some type of monster and devouered the girl and started to ascend out of the sewers. As it emerged it started taking on the form of the girl it had overtaken and walked among the neighborhood unnoticed. As I was telling everyone what I saw the girl was walking around the neighborhood infecting people in various ways. The girl started to walk towards me and my friends and they were ready to welcome her as they knew the girl they thought she was.

I recognized her from the sewers and tried to warn them that it wasn't her. All the other people that were infected started changing into giant green slimey monsters that started attacking everyone who wasn't infected. As she approached us, the girl started changing and transforming to a disfigured, long limbed, green thing and without even touching anyone transformed my friends. Me and one other person who wasn't infected jumped into an suv and drove out the neighborhood watching all the chaos around us.

As we drove my friend was yelling at me with fierce emotions of anger and sorrow saying I had no idea how important those people were to him, I tried to console him but he was inconsolable. We eventually came on a busy freeway and as he drove he got a call on his cell phone. I was suspicious of the call. After he answered it he got an evil smirk on his face and he looked at me. Knowing that somehow he was transformed I opened the car door and jumped out of the moving vehicle right into the traffic.

I quickly landed on one foot and the landing along with the velocity I was falling from somehow launched me high into the air. I started comming back down watching all the traffic beneath me. I jumped again to keep out of the street and eventually begun to fly.

Whenever I fly, whatever the circumstance I realize i'm dreaming so I flew off into the sky and the highway disapeared into the blue cloud-filled sky as well. I flew around for a bit and then landed on a ground full of big fluffy popcorn and as I landed all the popcorn floated up ward. I contentedly looked at the floating popcorn but quickly forgot my concious realization when I looked on the floor and saw that I was surrounded by several wine glasses. (yea, alcohol would be a distraction) I knocked them all down and picked one up for myself and was immediately intoxicated without having drunk it yet. I joined my friends in a social gathering and that's all I remember.


New Post! July 18, 2008 @ 07:47:13 pm
Dream Journal Entry 5

I did the electric slide with my pastor and he breaks his leg


New Post! October 08, 2008 @ 04:46:12 pm
Dream Journal Entry 6- The1500's

The setting looked like it was in the 1500's and I'm a man! I'm a dude leaving my home traveling to a distant land. In the new village I come to a party to try and get to know some of the people. I see an extremely beautiful woman looking at me but I am too shy to approach her, I just spend the night drinking and swapping stories with another lad. After the party a look for a spot to spend the night and I'm homeless. I'm also hungry but for some reason the new land doesn't produce the kind of food I'm used too so I must change my diet. I'm talking on my cell phone (it's the 1500's but I have a cell phone ) with one of my family members telling me I need to come home because the land is too different and I don't belong there.

The next day I go to the market place to buy some nuts and seeds to eat. Lo and behold, the beautiful woman is the merchant for the seeds. Still a wuss, I quickly divert from her shop and go to the fellow I was talking too before who is a black smith whose shop is next to hers. After she gets done with her customers she goes over to me and tries to pitch a sale but you can tell she really just wanted to talk to me. We get to talking and after discovering that I am homeless she offers to let me stay with her.

Later on, I come to her house and she's been waiting for me and has everything set up, the dim light from the lanterns make everything quite romantic. However, I have bad news for her. Turns out that the village is threatened by some kind of war and all the men are called to fight, even though I'm an alien, I unquestionably heed the call. She is very sadened by the news and though I barely knew her, I was proud to fight to protect her even if it meant my life. I never got to kiss or even hug her, with courage and purpose, I leave her to perform my duty. End of story.


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 24, 2010 @ 05:29:09 pm
@calonso Said
I was sharing dream scenes with some friends on one of my threads and I decided to open up a dream diary of my own crazy but interesting dreams. Comments and interpretation attempts are welcome.
Dream Journal entry 1 -The lake and flying souls

I was strolling through the woods with a friend of mine and we were talking about history and what it would be like to be one of those trees that had lived through it all and know the truth of what really happened in history. We came to a clearing of green pastures and a lake and by the lake was a pretty carousel with people on it children as well. But this carousel was different as it could go up and hover in the sky without any technology.

As we were observing this I noticed the lake. It was a long perfectly rectangular lake and then suddenly the sky was clouded with gray clouds. And the only opening to the blue sky was right over the lake and the opening was the exact shape and size of the rectangular lake.

Suddenly, we were all standing on one side of the lake I was on one end of the lake looking towards the other end observing all the many different people just waiting. Then, the opening in the sky started to close slowly from one end to the other like a sliding door. As soon as it started closing the people from the other end of the lake started flying up into the opening but as spirits (white light ghostly spirits)

Some flew into the opening and some didn't and it was like a wave of light coming my way. As the opening was closing the wave came my way and it was my turn to either fly or stay, I looked up to the little bit of sky left and... I wake up, but not physically, just from that scene, I wake up (still dreaming) and start talking about it to some friends.

So I never knew if I got to fly or not but I remember the feeling I had as it was happening, I felt excited but scared that I wasn't going to be able to fly but I knew that had to believe I could to have any hope of flying. It was a cool dream but I find it funny that I didn't get to see the outcome though I was still dreaming and I often wonder what it could mean.

OK Calonso, My interpretation of your (dream entry 1).

The tree's represent a window through time. Each tree represents families of different races and creeds. The branches of the tree's represent the roads that were chosen by members of those families.
One of the tree's was of your ancestry.

Exiting from the woods into the clearing of green pastures is showing you that you do not have to follow the particular branch of the tree from which you began your journey into life. That branch is your family, race, or creed, or even certain associates. It is a message that the time has come to re-evaluate where you are heading, and begin making some new significant changes.

The pretty Floating and spinning carousel with Adults and children on it, represent where we are in life. We may have to step off that carousel because it is in charge of where we are going.
If you look closely, (and this is just a feeling) you might be able to see yourself either as an adult or a child on that carousel.

The rectangle lake represents our journey through the waters of life.
The rectangle suggests that it was not formed naturally, and that it would have been the work of a grand designer. Those that are standing and waiting at the far end of the lake have completed there journey. You, whilst standing at the near end of the lake are looking at the journey ahead. AS you have indicated, you are in the queue.

The mirror image of the lake in the sky and the spirits that go through it, represent reaching a higher level of conciousness where one can observe more clearly the lake of human struggle from a higher plain of enlightenment. This is freedom.

The clouds surrounding the rectangular opening in the sky represent the clouds that remain overhead for the unenlightened. The ones who go through life never knowing that there is more. The ones who go through the opening in the sky are the ones who have reached enlightenment. The ones that don't make the opening do not reach enlightenment.

The beam of light that shone on you was a message to show you that enlightenment or freedom from the constraints that you had been programmed with, is achievable if you choose to continue to seek it.

Talking to your friends about history on your walk through the woods was your way of questioning your past. questioning your past is more than a mental journey, it is also an emotional one. This painful journey allows us to gain insight, and allows us to see beyond the masks of others, and to see the vulnerable child within.
This is the true enlightenment.

Your dream takes you on a journey both into your past, and into your future, although the decisions that you make in the present are the really important one's.

It is not an easy task to interpret dreams, but your description was excellent which took all the hard work out of it.


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 24, 2010 @ 05:59:25 pm
@calonso Said

Dream Journal Entry 3 -Lucid dream and the white sand beach

I realized I was dreaming, mostly happens when I'm flying that's my signal. Then I tried to change my surroundings but it was a little hard to control, I kept getting different scenes that you can tell my subconscious was still in control.

I finally came to a scene I liked; A white sand beach. I walked through the gate and was so in love with it, because I love the beach and never have been to a white sand beach. I felt the sand between my toes and went into the crystal clear water. I was at such peace, however there was this red head girl that kept trying to talk to me so I ignored her because I knew she was just part of my normal dreaming trying to reclaim my mind.

But then she said; "Can I ask you a question?" And I turned around to listen to the question and it was a talking black cat saying; "why are you so vastly detained?" I didn't know what to say to that and I woke up. What the heck was that about?

OK Calonso, Interpretation (entry number 3)

The flicking between scenes was representative of your search for a place to be. The white sandy beach represents you wanting to stand upon a clean social environment. The crystal clear water represents your desire to choose positive uncontaminated friends in your life. The whole scene is a place within yourself. You just need to find it.

The redhead represents your subdued fiery personality. The black cat represents the part of you that is wise, although you fear to take notice of it's message. The meaning of the words "vastly detained", is that you are selling yourself short by holding back, and that you need to believe that you have the confidence to aim higher with your creative side than you currently are. It is only you yourself that holds you back, and you need to throw away those negative comments that have stayed with you and held you back.


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 24, 2010 @ 06:01:31 pm


New Post! December 24, 2010 @ 07:38:45 pm
Wow ray, I gotta hand it to ya. Those are the best interpretations I've ever heard and I think you're not far off.


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 24, 2010 @ 07:49:08 pm
@calonso Said

Wow ray, I gotta hand it to ya. Those are the best interpretations I've ever heard and I think you're not far off.

My gift to you for Christmas.

Hope you have a peaceful and joyful one.

Regards Ray


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 27, 2010 @ 05:12:44 pm
@calonso Said

Dream Journal Entry 4 - The monster in the sewers and dream lucidity

I was walking in a nice and peaceful neighborhood and I came to a sewer drain and looked down into it and noticed someone was down there. I started to go down to save whoever it was and once I stuck my head down there to get a better look, I saw a girl who was barely alive and then I saw a wave of flashing white light comming towards me and I quickly got out and ran to tell someone.

While I was gone the white light took the form of some type of monster and devouered the girl and started to ascend out of the sewers. As it emerged it started taking on the form of the girl it had overtaken and walked among the neighborhood unnoticed. As I was telling everyone what I saw the girl was walking around the neighborhood infecting people in various ways. The girl started to walk towards me and my friends and they were ready to welcome her as they knew the girl they thought she was.

I recognized her from the sewers and tried to warn them that it wasn't her. All the other people that were infected started changing into giant green slimey monsters that started attacking everyone who wasn't infected. As she approached us, the girl started changing and transforming to a disfigured, long limbed, green thing and without even touching anyone transformed my friends. Me and one other person who wasn't infected jumped into an suv and drove out the neighborhood watching all the chaos around us.

As we drove my friend was yelling at me with fierce emotions of anger and sorrow saying I had no idea how important those people were to him, I tried to console him but he was inconsolable. We eventually came on a busy freeway and as he drove he got a call on his cell phone. I was suspicious of the call. After he answered it he got an evil smirk on his face and he looked at me. Knowing that somehow he was transformed I opened the car door and jumped out of the moving vehicle right into the traffic.

I quickly landed on one foot and the landing along with the velocity I was falling from somehow launched me high into the air. I started comming back down watching all the traffic beneath me. I jumped again to keep out of the street and eventually begun to fly.

Whenever I fly, whatever the circumstance I realize i'm dreaming so I flew off into the sky and the highway disapeared into the blue cloud-filled sky as well. I flew around for a bit and then landed on a ground full of big fluffy popcorn and as I landed all the popcorn floated up ward. I contentedly looked at the floating popcorn but quickly forgot my concious realization when I looked on the floor and saw that I was surrounded by several wine glasses. (yea, alcohol would be a distraction) I knocked them all down and picked one up for myself and was immediately intoxicated without having drunk it yet. I joined my friends in a social gathering and that's all I remember.

OK COLONSO (Dream Interpretation 4)

I get the feeling that this dream may represent (contamination) the poison of gossip.

The peaceful neighbourhood where you were walking, is where you choose to be today.
This does not necessarily mean where you live, it is more to do with where and who you like to spend your time with.

The sewer lid that you remove in your dream represents you being ready to take the lid off an episode or episodes in your past (and possibly in the present) that you are not fully addressing.

The little girl down the sewer was "you" at whatever age the little girl was in your dream.
Her spirit at that time had been sucked and drained from her but there was no help available to her.
She was "devoured" (contaminated) by a "monster" as you put it, and there was no-one available at the time who could help. Your wanting to pull her to safety, is the adult that you are now, but that child still lives within you.

The remainder of the dream suggests that you as a little girl were infected by the gossip from possibly a combination of family and friends. You passed on that gossip as did your friends, and this in turn infected others. Gossip is contagious and drains the spirit of all who partake in it.

As an adult, you want to escape the gossip which becomes apparent in your dream when you escape from the SUV where your friend had just received gossip on his mobile and became contaminated. You then fly to freedom. The popcorn which cushioned you fall, represents feeding yourself with spiritual food (good thoughts), so that you do not repeat gossip.

The glasses of wine amongst the popcorn were there to remind you that alcohol numbs the brain and loosens the tongue. Gossip can flourish when alcohol is consumed.

I think that your monster was gossip.


Rise above the cloud

New Post! December 27, 2010 @ 05:33:21 pm
@calonso Said

Dream Journal Entry 5

I did the electric slide with my pastor and he breaks his leg

This dream is telling you that your pastor is not infallible.


New Post! December 28, 2010 @ 02:15:00 am
Wow that's pretty neat. I did work for a place that had gossip like you wouldn't believe and I did come to find I was being talked about by everyone, even the people I thought were my friends. And I did fly away from that nonsense.

and with my pastor being infallible, that is dead on because the rest of the church were all praising him like he was a saint and never wrong but I didn't like that, i think only God should take the credit for greatness.

Once again, your interpretations are astounding thanks

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