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On November 09, 2010 imkindofabigdeal

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, Michigan
Joined: Apr 2008

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Age: 39
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United States
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Joined:: Apr 15, 2008
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New Post! I feel like a freak
February 28, 2010 @ 01:11:13 pm
Maybe because I am one. :P I've been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. All of this came to light after the birth of my son....He's worth it, but....

Anyway, since people like to call me a freak, I might as well admit it right?

Anyway, since the medication I'm on has changed from the one that causes a lot of weight gain, maybe the scale will finally go down for once.

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New Post! Freaking out
August 07, 2009 @ 09:11:25 pm
I can't tell delusions from reality right now. Everyone is trying to stop me from working. I need to work, to pay the bills, but nobody wants to let me. They want my family to fail, even my fiance. I'm not crazy. It's really happening. My coworkers want me to lose it, want me to fail. I know it. They're all spies for my psychiatrist. I'm fine, damn it. I'm fine!!

...and looking back at this, it doesn't look like it. Nobody believes me.

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New Post! BOB Is In Da Hizzouse!
July 22, 2009 @ 02:33:24 pm
Come one, come all and hang out with the excruciatingly coolest person on TFS... BOB!!!

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Queen Boogity

New Post! Wii Fit
June 30, 2009 @ 04:07:43 am
Wii Fit= happy fun times.

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New Post! Just another reason
June 23, 2009 @ 08:13:15 pm
to love tennis:

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New Post! I'm hanging by a thread
June 23, 2009 @ 02:11:44 am
I have no idea why I am feeling this suicidal but I don't think there is anything I can really do about it. It is taking all the willpower I resist to just stay at the computer and not do anything stupid. It's been over a month since I started the antidepressant for the postpartum depression...I guess it's not helping. I feel awful right now and I have no idea why.

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New Post! BOB's Comedy Club, Porn Store, Used Car Lot, Stinky Sock Outlet and Gun Emporium!
May 27, 2009 @ 08:57:28 pm
Post whatever's on your mind! Just have fun!

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New Post! Slacker
March 04, 2009 @ 09:15:43 am
*sigh* College is so expensive, and what do I do? I skip a lot of the classes I'm paying for. Or....the scholarships I got paid for, but still....I should've just dropped out this semester with all the problems I've been having. Any advice on pain relief from anyone who has been pregnant? Would be much appreciated.
There is not enough hours in the day, I've decided.



New Post! It's been a while
March 02, 2009 @ 08:33:06 am
I've been away from this site for a while...Things have been quite busy.
I'm now 30 weeks pregnant, and it's a boy. We're naming him Eric, although middles names have not been discussed yet. The thought of being a parent scares me to death though.
I am so freaked out though. 10 weeks until D day, and oh boy am I dreading that but looking forward to it at the same time....



New Post! ups and downs
February 03, 2009 @ 02:52:04 pm
So last week,Monday, I feel and hurt myself pretty badly. I'm still limited in my motions, but getting better. Anyway, spent the week uncomfy and without the kind of activity level I need to feel good, which sucked.
Next, I find an old diary that I had kept for my son when he was small. In it I told him about the different things we had done each. *sniff* THAT got to me. I love him to bits now, but wow...I missed the little guy so much while reading those entries.
Then, yesterday I get a call that my grandmother, who I am very close to, had to go in for emergency surgery. Her appendix ruptured. Thankfully it was "encapsulated" and they were able to get her cleaned up and into recovery. They "think" she will be fine.
Oh and all last week I was totally hormonal.
Sigh. Maybe I'm a wimp, but I'm just feeling a little beat up.

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