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"I believe there will always be poetry and people to read. Looking for meaning and/or outlook with li"
On January 09, 2012 kelkel1967

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greensboro, North Carolina
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TFS Journal
Purposeful Focus
February 13, 2009 @ 06:44:31 am

Purposeful Focus

Is there something that's distracting you and keeping you
from staying focused? There will always be some distraction
or another, but you never have to give in to those distractions.

The way to focus on anything is to make it important. If you
need more focus, then make the object of your focus more
personally meaningful.

Make a conscious connection between whatever you're doing
and your deepest reason for doing it. Clearly know why, and
the focus will be strong.

When you feel your focus begin to slip, reaffirm and
reconnect to your purpose. Maintain the focus by maintaining
the meaning that's behind it.

When your desire is strong enough, no event or circumstance
will have the power to distract you. Give your efforts a
reason why, and you give yourself a reason to persist.

Live with authentic purpose. And you'll act with powerful

---Ralph Marston

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