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On June 14, 2008 need_gills

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Age: 53
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Location: Chicago

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Joined:: Apr 14, 2008
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New Post! BOB Is In Da Hizzouse!
July 22, 2009 @ 02:33:24 pm
Come one, come all and hang out with the excruciatingly coolest person on TFS... BOB!!!

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New Post! BOB's Comedy Club, Porn Store, Used Car Lot, Stinky Sock Outlet and Gun Emporium!
May 27, 2009 @ 08:57:28 pm
Post whatever's on your mind! Just have fun!

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New Post! Stubbeh Sez...
December 17, 2008 @ 03:41:36 pm
Observations on life from from a bad cat named Stubbeh

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New Post! BOB's Comedy Club And Gun Emporium
October 28, 2008 @ 03:31:23 pm
Feel free to hang out and shoot the s***.

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New Post! I'm Pissy Today...
October 01, 2008 @ 04:11:13 am
I just want to rant. Feel free to ignore me. I'm so tired of ppl not doing their jobs, and being the boss' best buddy, while I bust my a** (and then some), only to have my duties given to someone else because she whined. I call them the "Golden Children". I swear, they can do no wrong. My boss is always joking with the "Golden Children", yet, I ask her a question today, and she gave me the most scathing "you're an idiot" look, then answers me with sarcasm. Then, she answerd my question, BUT TO ANOTHER EMPLOYEE. WTF? She tells the "Golden Children" everything that is going on with things at work, yet I'm left in the dark. I'm really getting tired of this whole thing. I love my job, but... Hell, I even went in all night one night last week to clean for our 70th anniversary. Did she thank me? No. She told me I did some s*** wrong. All I did was not put some stuff away because I had hosed everything down, and it was still wet. I was done, so I left. I guess I should have waited around for a few hours for things to dry? Of course, one of the "Golden Children" stays an extra hour to help decorate, and is heaped with thanks. I really feel unappreciated...



New Post! Still In Captivity... Day 66.
September 16, 2008 @ 04:42:08 pm
Ferd here. This is my 66th day of captivity in this hellhole. The b**** won't let me out, and that Stubbeh cat thinks he's king s***. My dad came to visit the other night, but Cat Law required that I ignore him. He seemed upset. Well, boo-f***ing-hoo!

I have been formulating an escape plan, but it seems to be thwarted by this metal mesh stuff on all of the windows. At my dad's house, it was kind of a plastic stuff, and I could just chew my way out. The b**** thinks she's pretty smart...

So, I just eat, sleep, poop and occasionally clean my privates when the b**** has company.

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New Post! Ferd's Blog
June 10, 2008 @ 09:22:26 pm
Hi! My name is Ferd (aka Ferdinand, aka Ferd The Turd). I am a studly, large, black 4 year old neutered male cat. I am staying with my friend, Sheri, while my owner, John (aka Johnny Hollywood) tours with his band.

I would like to start off by saying that I hate Sheri, and she's a b****. My owner lets me outside. Sheri won't. She keeps spouting some inane bulls*** about it not being safe to let cats outside. I plan on clawing her eyes out while she's sleeping, or at least, getting in the cupboards and messing up s***.

My "roommates" are... a stupid cat thay call Stubbie. He thinks he's the s***, but I knocked some sense into his dumb-ass real quick-like. The second is HUGE fat cat named Anna. All she does is sleep and b****. Typical woman. The third is an ancient geriatric cat named Thomas. He spends his time sleeping, eating and s***ting nuclear waste in the cat box. I don't know what good he is except for fumigation.

So, I've spent my day being incredibly pissy. I snort and smack when I'm upset, so everyone's had a piece of me today. I hear my owner called and asked how I was doing, and that Sheri-b**** had the nerve to tell him I was doing fine! Fine? FINE??? I'm living in a house full of morons, and she says I'm FINE???

I'm going to crawl under the covers on the bed, get hair everywhere, and continue to be mad. Ferd out.

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New Post! Stoopid People And Their Dead Trees!!!
May 22, 2008 @ 02:49:44 pm
My neighbor has a very large (a good 15 ft. taller than my house), very dead tree on his property. It's just on his side of the fenceline. Last night, we had a fierce storm with 70 mph. winds. Big chunks of his tree were breaking off and hitting our house. If the tree were to ever fall, it would ruin my house. It's too close to his house to fall on it, and the entire tree has started leaning towards our house.

I have mentioned on past occasions that he needs to remove it, but he keeps telling me it's OUR tree!!! When I asked him how he came to that conclusion, he said the tree leans onto our property, therefore, it's ours. ??? He said he's have it removed if we paid half of the removal costs! The real irony is, he works (on occasion) for a tree removal company! I'm sure they would do it cheaply if he asked.

I called the City, who said they could remove it, but don't like to mess with trees on private property if they don't have to. They charge the homeowners for removal, and they have a hard time collecting. I explained that the neighbor wasn't being cooperative, and I didn't see any other option.

I kind of feel like a b****. Plus, I just noticed a mama bird has her babies in a hole up high, and I don't want them killed.

15 comments | Reply


New Post! Playing House...
May 09, 2008 @ 08:12:31 pm
We finally got possession of our house day before!! It was surreal... We have nothing moved in yet! And we won't be until after this weekend (when we change the flooring and stuff)... YET- we both go into this basically empty but perfect house morning and evening- sit around, drink coffee, sigh and grin a lot! I hope that is normal!!! But I don't care either ways! I am too busy playing house! 8)

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New Post! Just killing time...
May 07, 2008 @ 09:14:15 pm
I'm having one of those days, where you are just trying to kill time with anything yo can get... You know the kind- you check email and then a coupla seconds later, you go back and check it again... Then you do a round of all your favorite internet haunts and then go back to them once you are done in the hopes there is another scrap of info.- again and again and again... You respond to any and all manner of random topics and then you try to write a cribby journal entry, hoping to pass some more time and even that doesn't seem to suffice- Yeah! that kind... And STILL- the clock goes inexorably SLOW in its tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock...

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